Chapter 17

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After the end of the year feast, everyone sat patiently awaiting for Dumbledore's speech. Severus and I were also secretly holding hands under the table while I conversed with him.

"Remember our deal Sev, because we're about to find out the results." I smiled as Dumbledore got up and walked to his podium, where the golden owl statue spread its wings to get everyone's attentions.

"The House Cup needs awarding, and the house points stand. Thus, in fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points." Dumbledore announced, but I was still smiling big knowing they were going to win.

Severus and I let go of each other's hands to clap with everyone else.

"In third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." Dumbledore added, making everyone clap. "In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points." He added, making everyone clap more. "And in first place with 472 points, Slytherin house." He finished, making Slytherins erupt in loud cheering, while Snape and I proudly clapped for our house.

But I knew this wasn't over, even as Dumbledore clapped and all of the banners changed to Slytherin.

"Yes yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However-" Dumbledore announced, making me look at Severus with a cheeky smile. "recent events must be taken into account and I have a few last-minute points to award." He added.

"I told you." I whispered to Severus, making him huff and roll his eyes.

"To Miss Hermione Granger. The cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril. 50 points." Dumbledore smiled, making all houses, except Slytherin, cheer while I proudly clapped. "Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years. 50 points." He continued, making everyone but Slytherin cheer again, while I continued to clap proudly. "And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure love and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor house, 60 points." He announced with a soft and proud smile, making me clap faster and prouder.

"They're tied with Slytherin." Severus stated, unamused.

Before I could say anything, Dumbledore continued.

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award ten points, to Neville Longbottom." Dumbledore finished, making my mouth drop before I clapped with a proud smile on my face still.

"And there you have it. Looks like I'm the winner." I smiled to Severus, who sighed and took a sip of his wine.

"Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change in decoration is in order." Dumbledore announced before clapping once to change the Slytherin banners to Gryffindor banners. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup." He finished his speech with a proud smile, making the great hall erupt in loud cheering.

All except for the Slytherins who have to go home and tell their parents that they lost the House Cup.

"YES! Sorry." Hagrid exclaimed, making me laugh.

"No need to apologize Hagrid." I smiled up at him from 5 seats away, making him look down at me and bow his head in respect.

Then the students of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw all stood up and tossed their hats up in celebration, making me smile.

"I don't remember us ever doing that when we won the House Cup." I stated.

"That's because Slytherin always won the House Cup." McGonagall teased, making me giggle and nod.

"I suppose you're right, Minerva." I replied.

"If you'll excuse me." Severus stated as he went to stand up, but I grabbed his robes and forced him to sit back down.

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