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Heat burned at Barkfeather's hind legs, the smoke blowing into his eyes and making them water. He could barely breathe, the bundle of fur hanging from his maw restricting him to breathing through his nose. Cats swarmed around him, Thunderclan, Riverclan, and Windclan cats all running together. A Riverclan she-cat, her body invisible in the night, called out to him, and he followed her into the shallowest part of the river. The cold water soaked his belly and caused his breath to hitch.

Any other day I'd refuse to get my paws wet. Barkfeather thought bitterly, wishing it were any old night.

He came across the embankment, and dropped the kit onto the smooth stones, watching as he ran over to his mother, and then he scoured the scene until he saw the red pelt he was looking for.

"Redstar!" The Thunderclan leader turned at his name, and Barkfeather bounded over, heaving in breaths of air. "The queens and kits are safe." Redstar dipped his head, his eyes glazed over. The tom had only became leader a few moons ago, and lacked the experience to deal fully with the inferno that was taking over their territory. Still, he held strong, and Barkfeather couldn't help but respect that.

A sleek cream she cat trotted over, her eyes bright. "I believe that's all of your warriors, Redstar." The Thunderclan leader nodded to the Riverclan deputy, but something troubled his mind even more.

"Where's Nightflower?" Barkfeather blinked, then turned, looking at the mix of cats. Their pelts moved around each other, Riverclan and Windclan helping the injured to a cool, secluded spot, and the stronger warriors taking tally. However, a dark pelt was missing from the group, and panic spiked in Barkfeathers chest.

"She- she was supposed to be helping Owlwing with Greenthistle." He didn't see her either, his mother and mate both down for the count. However, Barkfeather spotted the white and grey tom, and sprinted over, Redstar trailing behind. "Owlwing!"

The tom lifted his head, anxiety in his gaze. He already knew what was about to be asked. "Greenthistle was taken back to Riverclans camp, she has a bad burn on her leg." Part of Barkfeathers anxiety was calmed, but Owlwing looked upset still. "Nightflower insisted on checking the camp one last time and urged me to get to safety with Greenthistle."

"Mousebrain!" Barkfeather hissed, his fur rising. "You let her go back?!" Owlwing cowarded back, and Redstar stepped forward some, turning to Barkfeather.

"Calm yourself! Nightflower is a strong warrior."

"Nightflower is carrying kits. She's as strong as a shrew!" Barkfeather snarled back, and Redstar took a step back, surprise in his gaze.

Mousedung. Nightflower's not gonna like that. She had only just found out herself, and hadn't wanted anyone else to know for a while.

Without a second thought, Barkfeather whirled around, and dove into the river, his paws barely scraping the bottom as he dragged himself through back to Thunderclan territory. He could barely hear his clanmates yowls over the crackling of the fire, but he couldn't be bothered to listen to them if he had heard them clearly.

Barkfeather darted into the fire, paws aching as he raced over embers. With the forest ablaze, it was almost impossible to know where he was going, and ash filled his nose. Still, his paws met the familiar footfalls he had raced along his whole life, and before long everything looked familiar, and then he came to the bramble wall of the camp. Chest heaving, the fire had only recently overtaken the camp, most of the undergrowth turned to dust, and the fire climbing the huge oak trees.

"Nightflower!" Barkfeather screamed, but no voice answered him back. His water soaked fur could only keep the flames at bay for long, so with a bunch of his hind legs, he leapt over the dying bracken wall, and slid into the sandy hollow of the Thunderclan camp.

It looked so different, the soft ferns and climbing lichen already burned away and leaving gnarled sticks and spitting embers in their wake. Barkfeather took a hesitant step forward, panting.

She's not here. I'm going to die. Troubled thoughts swirled through his mind, his body aching to drop, lungs barely drawing in each breath.

But then he saw it, through the dying flames of a bush, black fur. Barkfeather lurched forward, scrambling around to find the motionless body of his loved. Barkfeather laid down by her, nosing the black she-cat with his nose, then jerked back when he heard a light groan, and saw the twitch of her paw.

"You're alive." Barkfeather gasped, whether she could hear it or not was unknown. Barkfeather climbed to his paws, looking around. The Highrock and the woods beyond hadn't yet been touched by the fire, though that wouldn't remain for long. Barkfeather nudged Nightflower's cheek, taking as deep a breath as he could. Then, he bit down on her scruff, dragging her back toward the Highrock, and out into the forest.


Sunlight dappled the water as waves lapped at the shore, bringing in dead driftwood to Barkfeather's paws. It had been only a day since the fire raged through Thunderclan, and he'd risked his life to save Nightflower. They both had barely made it, but Barkfeather was in better shape.

"You're stubborn." An old voice croaked, and Barkfeather turned his gaze to the fluffy she-cat ambling towards him, her unseeing eyes as cold as ever.

"How am I stubborn?" The Thunderclan medicine cat, despite being blind, would look you directly in the eyes as if she could still see. It was bone chilling, to say the least. Cloudedeyes sat beside him, wrapping her tail over her paws.

"You ran into a fire for your mate, and are up the next day as if you hadn't done anything but the evening patrol." She looked at him, her eyes round and expression serious. "You are a strong warrior, Barkfeather." The tom scrunched his face up, confused. Cloudedeyes didn't give compliments. "And your kit will be stronger." She continued. "She will have the ability to save Thunderclan."

"What?" Barkfeather felt his mouth go dry as the medicine cat kept her eyes on him, and for a moment it felt like fire was burning his pelt, and then a cold shiver went and cooled him down. He could feel a bad presence, but focused all of his energy on Cloudedeyes. For a moment she didn't say anything, and then she got to her feet again, turning away.

"Don't give her a reason to, Barkfeather." With that, Cloudedeyes pushed through the bracken, and headed back to Riverclan camp, leaving Barkfeather to mull over her words.

The Prophecy Foretold: Testing AlliancesWhere stories live. Discover now