Chapter Thirteen

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"Mudhollow." Redstar sat at the top of the highrock, looking down at his warrior. Mudhollow sat beneath, Blazingpaw at his side. He was sitting with his chest puffed out, fur slick and clean. "Do you believe Blazingpaw has completed his training, and that he is ready to be a full warrior of Thunderclan?"

"I do." Mudhollow nodded his head, and Redstar turned to Blazingpaw.

"Blazingpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and defend your clan with your life?"

"I do." Blazingpaw called out, his eyes wide and shining.

"Then from this moment on, your warrior name shall be Blazingstrike, for your cunning in battle. Thunderclan welcomes you as a full warrior."

"Blazingstrike!" Cats all around the clearing called the new warriors name, Blazingstrike turning with pride. As the group broke up, Blazingstrike ran over to the two apprentices.

"Congrats Blazingstrike!" Puddlepaw purred, and Stonepaw nodded.

"Blazingstrike, such a cool warrior name! It's almost not fair." Blazingstrike laughed, and pushed Stonepaw gently.

"You'll get a cool warrior name, I'm sure!" Puddlepaw nodded, looking up at the new warrior.

"Don't forget about us, now that you're a big warrior." Blazingstrike looked down at Puddlepaw, purring loudly.

"I wouldn't ever forget about you, Puddlepaw!" He pushed forward, pressing his nose against her cheek. Puddlepaw purred, looking up as Dappledflame and Firenettle came to congratulate their eldest kit.

It had been two moons since the fight with Windclan, and as the cold drew in, Thunderclan continued on. No more Whitestar to worry about, no more Windclan to fight. Leafbare would end up being easy for them, Puddlepaw hoped.

"Puddlepaw!" The apprentice looked up as Firenettle called her name. "Do you have any training today?" Puddlepaw shook her head. "Would you mind watching me and Mothpools kits? We wanted to go hunting and stretch our legs."

"I'd love to!" Puddlepaw perked, and Firenettle relaxed, as though she'd been stressing over it.

"Thank you so much! They're over by the nursery, we won't be gone too long." Puddlepaw nodded, trotting over to the nursery. Larkkit and Briarkit were wrestling, while Dandelionkit, Lichekit, and Sunkit watched with wide eyes.

"Die, Whitestar!" Larkkit cried, and Briarkit, very dramatically, flopped onto the ground, her tongue sticking out of her mouth.

"Hey!" Puddlepaw called, and Larkkit and Briarkit scrambled to their paws. "Your moms asked me to watch you guys."

"Awesome! Can you teach us to fight?" Briarkit ran to her paws, Larkkit on her tail.

"I wanna learn to hunt!" Dandelionkit called, bumbling over. Sunkit and Lichenkit crept closer as well.

"How about I show you all how to do a hunters crouch?" The kits cheered, and Puddlepaw nudged them into a line, and then stood in front of them.

"Alright, first you gotta drop to the ground. But don't let your belly touch the ground, or else you'll make noise. Like this." Puddlepaw dropped down in a hunting crouch, watching the kits. "Keep your tail above the ground, too, and center your weight onto your paws.Then, you can slowly creep forward onto your prey.." Puddlepaw crept forward, her paws making no noise. "And then pounce!" Puddlepaw jumped forward, landing directly onto a dried moss ball. She picked it up with her mouth, and tossed it over to the kits. Immediately they began chasing it, trying their best to pounce on it just like she had. Puddlepaw rested back, watching the kits before her gaze wandered.

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