Chapter Eight

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The cats trudge back into camp as a light drizzle begins, stinging at Puddlepaw's wounds. Some of the clan peer out at the returning group, and the camp is suddenly alive as they recognize battered bodies and the scent of blood.

"Puddlepaw!" Blazingpaw calls, bounding over to the small apprentice leaning against Stonepaw. "What happened?"

"Barkfeather!" Redstar's snarl interrupted Barkfeather, and they turned and watched as the leader stood before his deputy, fur fluffed up angrily. "How dare you undermine me in front of all the clans? I didn't want a fight with Windclan, especially during all of this. I have half a mind to make you clean out the elders den for the next moon." Barkfeather didn't say anything, just hung his head. Redstar calmed some when Barkfeather didn't fight back, and just turned away. "Go to Cloudedeyes."

At her name, the medicine cat appeared into the clearing, looking annoyed in the pale light. "If your wounds are still wet, come to me! Otherwise, get to sleeping." She called out, giving Barkfeather a look as she pushed him to the medicine cats den, Mintpaw racing out in surprise.

"Come on. Cloudedeyes will make you right again." Stonepaw nudged Puddlepaw in her direction, and the three apprentices headed over, Mintpaw stopping them.

"Only Puddlepaw should come in. Too many cats in the den will just confuse Cloudedeyes." Stonepaw nodded, nosing Puddlepaw's cheek.

"I'll wait for you." Puddlepaw didn't react, just limped into the medicine cats den. It was dark, but a few blinks and she could make out the shapes of other cats, and watched patiently as Cloudedeyes tended to Barkfeather.

"You're lucky Whitestar didn't gut you like a mouse." She noted as she pressed some cobwebs to the wound on his flank. "Though he didn't seem intent on killing you. Yet." Cloudedeyes looked to Mintpaw, who was hurriedly chewing up some leaves, and spit them out as a paste onto a huge leaf. Cloudedeyes picked some up, and spread it onto Barkfeather's flank, ears laying back as he hissed.

"Stop, or I'll give you something to really hiss about." She finished with his wounds, and turned around, sniffing at the rock shelves that held all types of herbs. "Mintpaw, we need to get more yarrow tomorrow. Our stock is short."

Mintpaw nodded as Cloudedeyes picked up a small seed, and dropped it in front of Barkfeather. "Eat this, and go to sleep. Your wounds will heal quickly. Now go." She was short with the deputy, acting as if he were an annoying apprentice. Puddlepaw thought she was the only cat who could get away with that, watching as Barkfeather slipped past without even saying a word to her. Cloudedeyes huffed, and then waved Puddlepaw over.

"First fight's always hurt the worst." Cloudedeyes patted at her for a moment before she located her wound, and Puddlepaw hissed. "I know. The pain won't last forever, and it doesn't feel like it will scar." Cloudedeyes began by applying the same poultice she'd used on Barkfeather, saying nothing as Puddlepaw winced, and then spread some cobwebs over the wound, before she applied a semi chewed leaf on top.

"There. Now you can return to your den. You'll be on bed rest for the next few days, I'll let Heavytail know." Puddlepaw stood some, staring through the fern fronds that protected the medicine cat den.

"Can I stay in here tonight?" Cloudedeyes perked some, but surprisingly didn't argue, and just nodded.

"For one more night. You can share a nest with Mintpaw, however. I'm not sleeping out in the rain." Puddlepaw nodded, and Mintpaw came beside her, ears pricked and eyes bright. The medicine cat apprentice was far older than her, and had always kept to herself, but seemed excited to have a friend for the night.

"Come, my nest is big enough for us both." She led Puddlepaw to her nest, and Puddlepaw dropped into it with a heavy sigh, wrapping her tail around her. She turned to look at the leaf plastered to her side, and then to Mintpaw as she settled beside her, warm against her side.

"Do you ever wish you'd been a warrior?" The scent of herbs all around them made Puddlepaw's head spin, and she couldn't imagine anyone willingly become a medicine cat. Mintpaw purred, and shook her head.

"No. It was never for me. Dusktail always said I was a quiet kit, and I would rather play with leaves than play with anyone else. I asked Cloudedeyes if she would ever take an apprentice, and she said yes. So I spoke with Redstar about it, and here I am. Dusktail says I have a fitting name for a medicine cat. Almost like I was destined to be one." Puddlepaw's eyes widened some, surprised. Mintpaw had it all figured out when she was just a kit, it seemed, and Puddlepaw realized she was about the age of a warrior, but still just a 'paw.

"How come you're still an apprentice?"

"Medicine cats have a longer apprenticeship than regular warriors. I have to know every herb by look, smell, and touch for me to become a true medicine cat. If I get even one leaf wrong, I could kill a cat, and we don't want that." Puddlepaw nodded, yawning some.

"I wish I had everything as planned out as you. I have no idea what I'm destined for." Nightflower had always been so sure she would become leader like her father, but with her gone.. Puddlepaw didn't feel so sure. Mintpaw nudged her same, and then laid her head down.

"Every cat is destined for something, Starclan makes sure of that. Just trust in Starclan, and everything will be alright." Puddlepaw nodded some, nestling her face down into the warm nest, and soon the lull of Mintpaw's breathing made her fall asleep.


Puddlepaw felt claws rake down her side, and she cried out in pain as fire spread across her side. Puddlepaw could barely see through the darkness to identify her attacker, but she felt them spin around and kick her, dropping her to the ground. With a start she realized the ground behind her dropped offer, and she scrambled to gain leverage and get back onto solid ground. Paws slammed into her own, claws digging into her legs as she felt hot breath in her face, the smell of rotting death clinging to their breath.

"Let me go!" Puddlepaw howled, and with a start she realized the paws vanished. For a moment she could rest, but then she felt a push at her chest that sent her flying over the edge of the cliff, screaming as wind rushed around her, and then the painful thump as she landed on the rocky ground below.

Puddlepaw opened her eyes with a start, claws digging into the mosys nest below her. She was back in the medicine cat den, early dawn light just barely filtering through. Mintpaw was asleep beside her still, Cloudedeyes asleep as well. Her side ached and her head thumped paifully, and she couldn't help but wonder if the medicine was even helping, or if it was making her worse.

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