Chapter Seven

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Puddlepaw lay in the cool darkness of the medicine cat den, shielded away from the view of the rest of the clan. She'd barely slept after burying Nightflower the night before, unable to sleep near Stonepaw and Blazingpaw. Greenthistle had offered her her mothers old nest beside her, but Puddlepaw felt dizzy even thinking about laying where her mother had not so long ago. Eventually, Cloudedeyes gave up the medicine cat den for her, opting to sleep underneath the full moon, and Mintpaw in the apprentice's den. When day came she didn't move, and she had faintly heard Heavytail speaking with Cloudedeyes outside, the medicine cat telling her mentor to leave her be.

Fine by me. I don't need them. Puddlepaw had thought sullenly. When no cat came for her, however, she only felt worse.

Commotion outside had her lifting her head, faint moonlight drifting through the fern curtain. The Gathering was tonight. Puddlepaw drew herself to her paws, carefully slipping out into camp. Redstar was beside a small group of cats, speaking with a few warriors. Barkfeather sat nearby, but he didn't seem to be paying any attention to what the leader was saying. Padding over to him, he started out of his thoughts when he noticed her.

"Puddlepaw. I thought you were sleeping." Her father had brought her a vole earlier, but she'd refused it. Even now, her stomach felt tight, and she thought that if any food touched it, it would explode.

"I can't sleep. Can I come to the Gathering?" Barkfeather looked surprised, but nodded. "Redstar is leaving a few warriors in camp, just in case. With Whitestar so unhinged, he..." He trailed off, shaking his head. "This isn't for you to worry about." He gestured to the cats behind him. "Stonepaw and Heavytail are going, you should go see them. It'll make you feel better."

Puddlepaw looked over, but turned away before she could catch sight of the two. "I'd rather wait here." Barkfeather watched her with worry, but didn't say anything else.

Soon enough, Redstar called for the cats to move out, and in the strong moonlight, the cats set off. Puddlepaw walked by Barkfeather's side, paying attention to the dirt beneath them. Each paw forward was another step, another twist in her gut. The tension was so sharp she could feel it clawing at her fur, and it followed her as Thunderclan dove into the clearing at Four Trees.

The moon lit up the Great Rock so much that it seemed to sparkle, and as Puddlepaw took a seat farthest from the other cats, she stared at the moon, eyes narrowed. It was so bright, the sky chock full of stars. Was Starclan blessing this Gathering? Was Nightflower really watching her from above, as a twinkling star?

The rest of Thunderclan swarmed around her, and began to mingle with cats of the other clans, purring warm welcomes. Puddlepaw felt sick, annoyed. How dare her clanmates act so joyful. Nightflower was dead, how could they settle so comfortably on the ground, talk so happily to other cats?

"They don't care."

Puddlepaw jerked her head, looking for the source of the voice. Her pelt prickled, no other cat was around her.

"Puddlepaw?" The apprentice whipped her head around, but it was only Heavytail, coming to sit beside her. His gaze was worried, eyes wide. "Are you alright?" For a moment Puddlepaw wanted to tell the truth, but she swallowed and nodded instead.

"I'm fine." She turned her attention to watch as Redstar hopped onto the Great Rock. Peachstar seemed to greet him, and Wingstar looked happy to see his old friend, but Redstar ignored them both, staring out into the crowd. At least someone else seemed upset about their loss.

"Petalshade." Puddlepaw drew her attention back to Heavytail, turning her head to see Petalshade padding over.

"Evening, Heavytail. Hello little Puddlepaw! You seem to be growing, maybe you won't stay small forever."

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