Chapter Nine

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Leaves crunched beneath cats paws as the patrol made their way down a slope, Puddlepaw taking up the far back. It had been a few days since the Gathering, the wound on her side nearly completely healed, and she had returned back to her apprentice duties. It still hurt to stretch too much, so Barkfeather only had her going on one patrol a day, and tending to the camp for the rest.

Currently she was on a sun high patrol with Barkfeather in the lead, followed by Owlwing, Heavytail, Jaymask, and Stonepaw. The other apprentice walked silently beside her, his presence causing a turmoil in her chest. She'd been snappy with both apprentices, keeping to herself since her mothers death and the attack at the Gathering. As the days came and went, however, the grief tugged less and less at her heart, and life began to return to normal.

"We're going by Four Trees." Stonepaw's voice made her look up, the apprentice watching her carefully. "I can ask Owlwing if we can head a different direction." His offer confused her for a moment before it clicked, and she felt a strange warmth in her chest, cutting through the beating of her heart.

"No, it's alright. I can't avoid it forever." Stonepaw nodded, stepping to walk a little closer beside her. His fur barely brushed hers, and she could feel her heart thumping in her throat and wondered if any other cat could hear it.

"Hold on." Barkfeather called from ahead, and the patrol halted as the deputy scented the air, huffing. "Windclan." Puddlepaw opened her mouth to scent the air, and sure enough she could scent Windclan, however it was faint.

"Do you think they were hunting here again?" Jaymask asked, and Barkfeather hesitated for a moment before he shook his head.

"No, it's not strong enough. I think it's left over from the Gathering. Come, let's-"

Before Barkfeather could finish, there was a rustle in a nearby bush, and out in front of them shot a hare, tearing across the forest floor. Before any of the patrol could even think to chase after it, another body hurtled from the bush, carrying Windclan scent- an apprentice.

Almost as fast as the hare, Barkfeather took off after the apprentice, his long legs carrying him a few bounds before he leapt through the air and landed on top of the apprentice, snarling. They went rolling before Barkfeather slammed the apprentice onto the ground, digging his claws into their shoulder.

"No, no! Let me go, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" The apprentice wailed fearfully, but Barkfeather ignored him, lifting a paw up and slamming it heavily onto the apprentice's shoulder. The Windclan cat screamed, startling birds from a tree a few fox lengths away.

"Barkfeather!" Owlwing gasped, hurrying over. "Are you insane?!"

"Leave him alone!" Puddlepaw followed after Owlwing, and Barkfeather cast them a look, anger in his gaze. For a moment it looked like he would kill the apprentice, but he stepped off of them a second later. The apprentice whimpered, and Puddlepaw could see the leg Barkfeather had hit was set at an awkward angle.

"We'll take him back to camp, for hunting on our territory." Barkfeather growled. The patrol was uncomfortable as Barkfeather kicked the apprentice. "Get up." The apprentice cowered, his whole body trembling. Puddlepaw could tell he was scared out of his mind, his body thin and small.

He can't be much older than Briarkit. What is such a young cat doing so far from Windclan territory?

"Now!" Heavytail pushed forward, placing himself between the apprentice and Barkfeather.

"That's enough. It's just an apprentice, Barkfeather. I'll carry him back to camp." Barkfeather stared at Heavytail for a moment before he backed down, and turned away.

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