Chapter Six

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"They're so tiny! Are they supposed to be so tiny?" Stonepaw peered down at the small kits nestled against Firenettle's belly, and the queen purred, nodding.

"They are, I promise." Three kits were snuggled to her swollen belly, sleeping soundly. One was a white tom with an orange mark on his ear, and the other two were matching orange tabby she-cats.

"What're their names?" Puddlepaw asked, and Firenettle pulled a paw out to point to the kits.

"The white one is Sunkit, this one is Lichenkit, and this one is Dandelionkit." Puddlepaw wasn't sure how she could tell the she-kits apart, but she decided it was most likely a queen thing.

"Can I play with them?" A little voice asked, and Mothpools kits looked up from their nest, their mother out on a patrol. Firenettle shook her head.

"Sorry, Briarkit. They haven't opened their eyes yet. You and Larkkit can play with them, eventually." Briarkit grumbled, but laid back down next to his sleeping sister obediently. Puddlepaw wondered just how the two could be so well behaved.

"Did it hurt kitting them?" Puddlepaw asked, turning to Firenettle. The queen seemed surprised by the question, but nodded anyway.

"Very much, but it's worth it. My kits are lovely." She bent down and licked them gently, then looked to the two apprentices huddled nearby. "Is Blazingpaw in camp?"

"No, Mudhollow took him on patrol." Firenettle nodded, resting her head down.

"Tell him to join me for dinner when you can." Puddlepaw nodded, and then nudged Stonepaw to head out, as the queen looked tired. As they left the nursery, Heavytail padded over, tail held high.

"Puddlepaw! I was looking for you. Come, I want to do a hunting assessment with you, see how far you've come in the past moon." Puddlepaw perked, eyes wide.

"If I do well, will I become a warrior?!" Heavytail purred, and shook his head.

"No, unfortunately. You have far more training to do, I just want to see how far you've come. Lets go." Puddlepaw nodded, waving a goodbye to Stonepaw as she followed Heavytail. Nightflower was waiting by the camp entrance, and Puddlepaw paused.

"Are you going to watch my hunting assessment?" Nightflower purred, but shook her head.

"No, I'm waiting for Barkfeather. We're going through a stroll through the forest. But I'm sure you'll do wonderful! We'll be out by Fourtrees, if you'd like to join us when we're done." Puddlepaw perked and nodded, rubbing up affectionately against her mother before she bounded after Heavytail, who was waiting on the other side of the tunnel for her.

"You'll be hunting from the large oak tree out until the farther edge of our territory, by the twolegplace. Catch as much as you can before sunhigh, alright? I'll be watching, but I won't intervene." Puddlepaw nodded, and set off for the area Heavytail told her.

She passed by the huge oak tree, pausing to study it's base. It was scored with claw marks, a popular spot for the warriors to sharpen their claws, and she took time to add her own marks to one of the thick roots, and then set off.

Despite the weather change, prey seemed to be running well. Puddlepaw found a mouse fairly quickly, watching as it dug up a nut. She drew herself to the forest floor, resting her paws silently as she moved down wind, careful not to let her belly fur drag against the crinkly leaves below. Every few moments the mouse looked up and studied its surroundings, and she would freeze, waiting for it to go back to gnawing on it's nut. Getting into position, Puddlepaw waited a heartbeat before she leapt forward, and landed claws first onto the mouse, and with a swift bite she killed it.

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