Chapter 7 - how someone was there

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Chapter 7

How someone was there

Nicks POV

Four days left

The room was full of balloons, flowers and stuffed animals. There was not one single bare spot in the room. Each balloon read I'm sorry. There were twenty seven of them, from hearts to circles to every shape imaginable.

Teddy bears and stuffed wolves sat at the foot of the bed. Each was different sizes and in different positions. There were pairs of wolves, looking like a moment caught in time. Someone spent a lot of time on this set up.

All the flowers brightened up the room. They sat in crystal vases on every surface. Filling the room with an amazing smell. Even my mate seemed more lively, her skin wasn't as pale. I walked over to her bedside and traced patterns on her arm. I inhaled, trying to find the source of who was here. I only smelled the flowers, I applauded the person who was here, using the flowers to their advantage.

"Nick, did you do this?" Ella asked behind me. I had personally forgot she was here.

"No. What's with all the, 'I'm sorry?' Who was here?" I wondered aloud.

"I can't smell anything except these flowers." She sighs.

"There's something here for you." She whispers in surprise as she reaches the dresser. Ella held up two envelops, one read Nick Stokes the other was addressed to Zarks Sister. I took them both from Ella and opened mine first.

I know that this is probably not what you were expecting. Getting this letter, and me showing up. But her time is running out. It took me awhile to track her down, but she deserves a happy ending. Now, I'm not trying to be intrusive, but dude! Wake her up! Look, I know you've tried, but step up your game! Anyways....I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to kill him, I really didn't and I hope she realizes that, but I do deserve her hate. If you want to, you can open her letter, but it probably won't make much sense to you. She will wake up, she's just waiting for the right moment. Now, I think I hear you two loud idiots coming up the stairs.
So until later...

It wasn't signed, or left any trace of who they were. I handed the letter to Ella, who then looked it over.

"Who do you think did all this?" She asked me.

"I don't know. Whoever this is, they obviously know her." I tell her. She nods, and I pick up the other letter. I open it carefully.

I'm probably the last person you would want to hear from. And I don't blame you. I know it was my fault, if only I hadn't opened my big mouth, then he would be alive, you wouldn't have gotten hurt and I would be free. But yet, we're not, fate is cruel. It's probably also terrible for you to know that I'm alive. I would gladly change places with him, but then he would be in an even worse place. His grave is waiting for you, along with a mate, who is very handsome if I do say so myself, but anyways, that's not what you wanted to hear either. Zark told me of you, at least when he could, he's proud of you, and adores you. I'm proud to say that he spent his last moments saving a life. Don't go get revenge, cause I know you already figured out what happened, I already have that handled. And if you think you have to help me, don't. I'm beyond that, but you deserve a happy ending.
A killer

I looked over the note, they was right, I didn't really get it. I had no idea what this note was about, or even saying. I didn't know much, but whoever this note was from, she was at fault for Mickey's brother's death, or at least someone thought that, and they felt terrible. I needed to know who this was, I needed to know who my mate is.

"So, what are you going to do?" Ella asked as she walked over to me.

"Could you get Noah?" I ask her. She nods and glumly walks away. Soon Ella came in with Noah walking in front of her. She glared at his back as he walked. What is her problem? He walks over to her bedside and sits down. We all sat in the chairs around her bed as Noah looked around the room in wonder.

"Who did all this?" He asks as he continues to look around.

"We don't know. They just left a note." Ella shrugged and handed Noah both letters. As he glimpsed at them, his eyes widen in surprise.

"Do you recognize it?" I ask him. He shakes his head, denying it, as he continues to read the odd writing. Finally Noah looked back at my mate, he looked at me as he put a hand out to touch her. I didn't mind, at least not yet. Once she was awake I wouldn't let anyone touch her. His hand hovered over her hand hesitantly. I put my hand on hers, and Noah copied my actions and took her other hand. Suddenly as if something was taken from the room, her eyes started to twitch. Noah looked scared and surprised, Ella was happy but curious, and I was sitting here, staring at her as she finally started to awake.

"I'm going to go get the nurse." Noah whispers as he runs out of the room. I grip her hand tighter as she adjusts into a more comfortable position. Then, she stiffens, and her pale blue eyes meet mine. Shock and wonder fill them as she attempts to sit up.

"Shh relax, take it slow." I whisper to her. She lays back on the bed, breathing in slowly.
"What's your name?" I ask her, rubbing my thumb lightly over her knuckles.

"Michaela-" She tells me then her voice cracks and she begins to cough. Ella hands me a glass of water, which I give to Michaela. I smiled, I finally knew her name! And surprisingly Noah knew what he was talking about.

"I'm Nick." I tell her as I watch her for any signs of any hater or fear. Her eyes look at me hesitantly and nods.

"Dammit, what day is it?" She asks, starting to sit up.

"It's Monday." I tell her, brushing a finger along her cheek.

"Ok, this may sound like a stupid question, but my senses are jumbled up. But are you my mate?" She stutters at the end. I laugh at her in joy. Michaela looks at me in confusion.

"Yes, yes you're my mate." I sigh to her as she smiles. Ella coughs awkwardly behind us. Michaela blushes as she realizes that we weren't alone.

"Hi, I'm Ella, this idiots sister." She grins and holds out her hand to shake hers.

"Michaela. Then again you probably know that already." She laughs, her laughter like rain, beautiful. Then the door bursts open, a stream of nurses and doctors piling through.

"Back away from the girl!" The head doctor shouts at us as soon as he sees that Michaela had woken up. Ella steps away, but I growl at him, no way was he going to make me leave my mate just after she woke up.

"Nick, step back." Michaela whispers squeezing my hand, then letting go. I look at her in pain, then step back as the doctors ask her basic questions.

"How do you feel?"

"Does your head hurt?"

"Do you feel sick?"

"Can you speak?"

"Can you feel your legs?"

They continue to ask and ask, only letting one word answers leaving her lips. I take in her scent, rain, mint, and roses, but also her wolf's power was in the mix. She wasn't dominant, but that's okay, I could protect her. Her wolf was most likely weaker because of being unconscious for so long.

"What's your name sweetie? It needs to go on record. Right now, you're a Jane Doe." The nurse informs her.

"It's Michaela. Michaela Eden Moody." She tells the nurse who then writes it down. I look at Ella in surprise, who then mirrors my surprise. A certain janitor had the same, 'guess'. I looked around the now crowded room. No sign of Noah no sign of a dead man.

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