Chapter 5- how time was running out

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Chapter 5

How time was running out

Nick's POV


30 days left

Waking up in the same chair I've stayed in for the last week and a half hasn't done me much good. Although my neck was cramped, I would do what ever it took to get her back. Last night after finding out the phone was completely dead, I let Ella sleep since she was still recovering from her coma. But I, had stayed up a long time, trying to figure out possible names.


According to Google, those were the top trending names for the feminine nickname Mickey. But I was also worried that it had nothing to do with her actual name, maybe just some crazy nickname given to her cause of a random accident.

I brushed my hand over her silky hair. She was beautiful, and she looked kind. She had faint traces of smile marks around her lips. I looked harder at her lips, they were soft, and pink. I wanted to kiss her, badly. Since no one was around, I kissed her, on her cheek. Of course nothing happened, but I wanted to imagine that she would. That she would feel something.

I opened the book, that very worn out book of Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. Just about every page was book marked. There were some doodles, all in green pen. Written in all the margins of pages. There were balloons, kites, birds, odd stick figures, dog faces, and some other random thoughts. I read through her book, laughing at the poems and the small comments she had made. Each doodle made me feel closer to her and reading the book made it seem real. Made her seem real.

I felt a hand grabbing mine, a small feeling returns to my body. Like waking up after a long nap, almost like a hibernation. I had no idea how long I was just in darkness, but it seemed like it was slowing awakening me. I didn't know what was going on, but soon, the same feeling spread through on my forehead.

Not knowing what was going on was killing me. Zark. His name flashed through my mind. No, it wasn't killing me, no, I'm not using that word, no it was making me scared, the feeling was scaring me. It wasn't killing me. No explosions kill you. Science kills you. Kills people who were innocent, who shouldn't die. Takes away the ones you love. After those thoughts, I didn't want to feel, no, better just go back to sleep. And my body did as I wanted. I fell back asleep, back into the safe, quiet, darkness.

Nicks POV
Her finger twitched. Her finger twitched! I ran my hand along her arm, trying to get her to wake up. My heart beat accelerated as time passed. She didn't move again. And I let out a silent sob. She was supposed to wake up. So I could hug her, kiss her, talk to her, know her, save her. But I was sitting here, being useless.

Nick's POV
18 days left
The days continue to go by, with no change. Everyday I read to her and talk to her. People would come in occasionally, my sister finally got released a few days ago, but she still visits everyday. Connor comes in every two days updating me about the pack, but then leaves. The only person who I really talk to is Noah, and even then sometimes he disappears. I've been going crazy, all alone in this room. I've scoured the Internet, looking for her face, but none show. I've memorized Where the Sidewalk Ends but that's okay, it's a pretty good children's book. The nurses seemed to hate me, they didn't know why I was hanging around her, why I was still with her. But they also seemed to pity me, they knew what was planned.

"Hey, earth to Nick." Ella calls from behind me. I turn around and wave at her, welcoming her in.

"Any changes?" She asks, even though she knew the answer.

"Not yet." I grumble looking at my mate.

"She will wake up Nick. This wouldn't happen to you if she were just to... leave." She whispers the last part.

"May I come in?" A voice floats in from behind us.

"Sure Noah, come on in." I point to a chair by Ella. He nods and sits down next to Ella, who looks like she's seen a ghost.

"Now, I know we don't know her name, but what do you guys think her name is?" Noah asks us. I look at him, what brought this on?

"She looks like a Nichole. A Nichole Hendrickson." Ella tells us, only looking at me.

"I would say.... A Michaela Moody." Noah offers looking over the list of first names.

"How about Myah." I put out my guess. Inside, I really didn't know what name she fit, and it annoyed me.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I just don't." I whisper to them. Ella looks at me alarmed, like she couldn't believe what I was saying. But Noah, he looked like he understood.

"It's not like I'm going to give up. It's just I don't know how to feel." I sigh, it felt good to get that off my chest.

"You know, I had my mate once." Noah sighs. I look at him, what was he saying.

"She rejected me though, I was different than what she expected. She didn't like my baggage." He sighs, slumping over in his chair.

"If you don't mind me asking, but what baggage?" Ella asks him directly, maybe she got over her fear of him. I didn't know why she was scared of him, he's a small wolf, that works as a janitor.

"Eh. I have some conditions, rare ones." He sighs scratching at his turtleneck shirt.

"She didn't want to have to deal with my mood swings or helping me through it." He shrugs like its no big deal, but now, I did feel a bit lucky to have her, and not her walking out of my life. Noah's eyes were full of pain and sadness, but something was in there, deeper.

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