Chapter 3: Jailbreak from Gliese 581g

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We managed to make it out of the prison-like building. I do not like Gliese 581g anymore. I thought the planet was an Earth-like planet marked as the second place for humans, but for what exact reason? Was it not because of the overpopulation debate at first? I think it all makes sense now. I do not know when it could have started, so I might just hypothesis. It may have been a few years back, where aliens decided to think of new ways to prevent our "reign" on other planets, including Mars for some odd reason. The question is, why would they choose Gliese 581g, of all the planets out there? The planet which was supposed to be known for the perfect conditions for human inhabitation is and may have been a human cleansing center.

"Jordan, you are a very arrogant person who also acts like a coward." Stephen is right. I was arrogant, and I was a coward. Honestly, I was simply scared, so I felt like I wanted to escape anything that seemed like a mere danger to my life or anyone else's near me.

"Well, what did you expect? I was not going to let our lives be ended by some unknown species that pose an imminent threat on humankind." I am just letting off smoke with this statement.

"You may have let you escape, but what did you think of afterwards? Do you even realize that you put us in a much great danger when they capture us again?"

"I really do not care. As long as we are safe from those depraved idiots, all I am hearing is that we are all clear." What was I even saying? I am not thinking twice on anything I say.

"Jordan, how old are you?"

"What kind of question is that? In a general sense, I am in my late teenage years."

"Well, that makes sense then. Maybe a little bit."

"Stephen, can I just ask you something?"

"Well, I guess you can ask me anything you wish to."

"This... journey we have done. This ship we were forced into that sent us to where we are now. How do you exactly feel about this journey we are in? How do you feel about the likelihood of... dying before you can possibly make it back to Earth?" I was just curious. I have already expressed my feelings about this trip. All I want for this brief moment is to hear Stephen express his thoughts about the same thing.

"Well... I am actually glad you asked those two questions. First, I would just say that I was confused at first. It was quite strange to know that I was selected to be on some 'experiment'. The thing I said to myself was 'if you can't think of anything else to do, why not do this?' To your second question, I do feel scared myself. I do realize that there is the likelihood of not making it back to Earth and the likelihood of dying while flying through space."

"Umm... that is it?"

"Pretty much, yes." There was a brief pause. "You seem to be expressing your feelings and thoughts all the time when we are away from Earth, and you seemed to have calmed down a little bit when you asked me to express my thoughts about the trip. Are you calming down now?"

"I have calmed down... a little bit. I just want to be calm while we flee away from Gliese 581g—" Something just hit the side. "Did you hear that?" There was another "ding". "Is somebody coming after us?"

"Jordan... could that be a ship from Gliese 581g?"

"Oh crap, not again!" Why are they coming after us now?

"Wait... hey Jordan, can't this ship be controlled?"

"Uh... yeah... there are pilot seats in the front."

"Aren't there pilots already there?"

"Wait... nobody came from there when we crashed... hold on..." I rush to the front. "Hey, Stephen! The front is empty! Come to the front!"

Stephen come in the front part of the ship. "So... Jordan... Do you know how to fly a plane—I mean... umm... a ship?"

"Let's hope I can figure out quickly." I am just being hesitant now.

"I'll try to help, but I can't promise to get us out of this mess completely." At least Stephen stepped up to help me out of this mess a little bit.

I do not have any bit of experience with flying a plane, little on flying a ship, so this is something I am terrified of doing. "So... oh wait... the steering mechanism... I think this is the steering mechanism." It did help steer the ship.

"That helps steer the ship. Now you need to know how to control the ship."

"How do I control it?" I have no idea what I am doing.

"Pull up and back to lift the ship."

"Wait a minute... isn't that how you fly a plane? There is no air and—"

"First off, you should pull up to lift the ship. Keeping the steering up for too long will cause the ship to backflip. Although that would be a cool escape trick, I would not suggest doing so."

"I was not thinking of doing that." It was an idea, but I did not want to do something stupid.

"That would be a good thing for now. Let's focus on escaping this insaneprison."

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