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"i see you're back, san." the president said as san got thrown out of the portal, butt slamming on the hard, carpeted ground.

"sir, give me a minute my ass hurts." san cried out as he clutched onto his butt, feeling it go numb.

jaehyuk just sat there with a stoned expression, looking at san as if he was a hopeless being.

"you done?" jaehyuk asked in a rather mean tone.

"yeah i wish i was. i can't feel my butt, sir." san tried to stay formal as he just lost control over his butt muscles.

"what the fuck, this kid is hopeless." jaehyuk cussed under his breath.

"sir, i'm fine now." san lied as he stood up, his butt still hurting.

"good. to pay for your crimes, such as burning down a whole ass village and wiping out the entire population there, plus you burned down my fucking house!" jaehyuk stressed the fact that san burned down his house.

"my apologies, sir. i was angry. puberty, you know?" san tried to make up an excuse.

"i'm pretty sure you haven't hit puberty when you're 10!" jaehyuk stood up, slamming his staff on the ground.

"sorry, sorry. i'll go do whatever you want me to do, alright?"

"alright. now serve some jail time when i go think of something to punish you." jaehyuk said before the security guards escorted san to the prison room, filled with people trapped behind bars.

"how unprofessional." san whispered as he rolled his eyes.


"i wish i could do telepathy with wooyoung...he could bail me out." san sighed helplessly as he sat on the cold, hard concrete ground of the prison cell, desperately trying to think of a way to get out of the cell. all his power had been limited and even taken away because jaehyuk knows he has destruction powers.

"fuck! why am i so weak.." san cried as he hit the metal bars of the prison cell. tears started rolling down his face as he had a flashback to all the crimes he had committed. all he felt was regret.

"wooyoung..i'll be there soon. i promise." was all san could say before he collapsed on the floor, unconscious.


"i can still be in this garden, i think." wooyoung said as he sat on the grass and looked beside him, missing the presence of san already.

"what should i do...court isn't until the day after tomorrow." wooyoung tossed and turned on the grass, feeling helpless.

"i need to find friends." wooyoung said. with that, he charged at the ground, hoping to look for at least one friend.


wooyoung was strolling on the familiar streets of his childhood; the street where he smoked, vented, and even slept. the place where he would escape from his monstrous parents.

"feels nice walking around these streets again." wooyoung sighed as he looked around, just to be stopped by a passerby.

"hey, are you the one who confronted wonhyuk and jiguk? his son?" a tall man, who looked fairly young, asked.

"y-yeah.." wooyoung scratched his nape, looking awkwardly at the floor.

"can we be friends?"

"sorry, what?" wooyoung was taken aback at the question. wooyoung still had torn clothes and ripped pants, so he didn't see why anyone would come and approach him to talk to him. plus he had wings, so he thought people would think he's weird.

"i'm sorry if you're uncomfortable with the question, but your confrontation was so cool. i admired it. i even watch it on repeat till this day! the way you exposed your parents was so cool.." the tall man rambled, his eyes sparkling.

"thanks..." wooyoung was bewildered at his response, he didn't expect anyone to think he was cool.

"and your wings are gorgeous." the tall man added.

wooyoung felt a rush of euphoria run through his veins at the compliment, so he decided to try to be friends with the tall man.

"thanks, and i'm fine. what's your name?" wooyoung looked up to the stranger, finding out that he had puppy eyes.

"i'm yunho! jeong yunho!" yunho stuck his hand out, and both boys shook hands.

"i'm wooyoung, jeong wooyoung. we have the same surname!" wooyoung jumped up and down at the coincidence.

"you're so tiny. wanna go to a cafe to get to know each other better?"

"nah, come with me. i have the best cafe up in the clouds." wooyoung said before he spread his wings, as yunho hopped on his back. wooyoung then shot through the sky, leaving a screaming yunho on his back.


"we're here." wooyoung said as both boys landed on the white grass. yunho was mesmerised by the scenery of the garden. everything looked surreal. the white grass, the white flowers with a glowing light around the petals...they looked like they came straight out from a cartoon.

"this is gorgeous..." yunho looked around.

"it is. san brought me here after i got kicked out of my house..." wooyoung had flashbacks of him and san's memories there, which caused a few tears to drop down wooyoung's tear ducts.

"hey...don't cry..." yunho said as he saw tears dropping from wooyoung's eyes. he quickly went to wooyoung and blessed him with a warm, friendly side hug.

"i-i just miss san so much. it's alright. he'll come back." wooyoung said before he wiped his tears away.

"you guys dating..?" yunho asked.

wooyoung was flushed. he didn't expect such a question.

"u-uh-no. i just really like him." wooyoung scratched his nape, visibly embarrassed.

"where is he now?" yunho asked.

"he-he's in the land of illusion being jailed i guess." wooyoung said before he remembered something, "wait, i remember san talking about a yunho dude. he has healing powers, i think? is there a possibility that the yunho is you..?" wooyoung asked, which left yunho bewildered. how was wooyoung so quick-witted? was all yunho could ask himself.

"y-yeah, it's me. he's being what?!" yunho asked in fright, worried for his friend's life.

"he said he committed major crimes and the president only let him spend 7 days in the human world. i don't know..it's confusing." wooyoung said as yunho had a flashback of the memories he had with san. the way yunho watched san obliterate an entire village, the way yunho burned down the president's house with san..but only san got busted.

"oh shit! i guess fate really brought us here to save san. i can turn invisible so it's gonna be easy bailing san outta there." yunho said before he became transparent, which scared wooyoung a little.

"woah holy shit!"

"i know right." yunho said cockily before becoming visible once again, "what powers do you have?"

"san gave me destruction powers and wings, because that's what he has." wooyoung said before he burned a flower into ashes.

"hey! why would you burn a flower?!" yunho exclaimed dramatically as he stared at the ashes of the flower, fake weeping.

"chill out lad, it's just a flower." wooyoung's facial expression twisted into a stoned one, before calling yunho out for being dramatic.

"tch, i'm known for being dramatic." yunho rolled his eyes playfully as wooyoung rolled his eyes too.

"when should we go save san?"

"after your parents officially go to jail, then we'll help him out."

illusion <j.wy x c.sn> [woosan] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now