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"your house is so cozy!" wooyoung exclaimed as he jumped on a green beanbag.

"i know right."

"but somethings a little off...why is there a green beanbag out of nowhere when your house is in a brown and beige aesthetic?"

"the beanbag is from my brother, who went to the human world to help a boy named yeosang. i miss him a lot, so i kept it here as a remembrance. gosh this sounds like he's dead.."

"ah i see. wait you guys can go to the human world?"

"yeah! it's just that you can only go to the human world under the president's consent. i committed a few minor crimes here and there so i can't teleport to the humans world. at least my baby brother lived his life here purely."

"aw.." wooyoung trailed off as he noticed the tone of care and sincerity in san's voice when he was talking about his brother. san was really pure, wooyoung thought.

"what's your brother's name?"

"he's jongho. choi jongho. he's very strong but he looks like a cute bear."

wooyoung cooed at the sight of san admiring his brother.

"anyways, how's life?" san asked, expecting a miserable answer from wooyoung. san knew nothing about wooyoung's life, other than his life being sorrowful. that's all san knew.

"well, shitty to say the least."

"do you mind if you tell me about it? it's okay if you can't."

"no, it's okay. i can.

so basically, i'm born in his rich ass family. i thought i'd have a good life and shit like that, but my life is pretty miserable. my parents don't give a fuck about me: they dont feed me, never give me clothes, they don't even provide daily life supplies for me. they gave birth to me, it's their responsibility to take care of me. why give birth when you know you're not gonna take the responsibility? my life isn't a toy for them to play around like that!" wooyoung progressively got angrier and sadder.

san didn't know what to say or do so he just softly pulled wooyoung into a warm hug, embracing him with affection. wooyoung let out a slight gasp at the unexpected gesture of san's. san then placed his hand on the back of wooyoung's head, slowly ruffling his hair.

"please tell me it's alright."

"everything's alright. shit happens for a reason. your parents are gonna learn their lesson sooner or later, and you'll find a way out sooner or later. if you didn't have this problem, you wouldn't have met me. again, things happen for a reason." san tried to comfort wooyoung as he continued softly stroking wooyoung's head.

"thanks, san. i've been thinking that my life was pointless. i wonder what this catastrophe means and where it'd bring me in life..."

"anytime, woo!"

wooyoung blushed a little at the cute nickname that san gave him.

"well, i have bad news. you won't be here for long, because right now...you're in a dream. us people here communicate with humans who need help in their dreams. this might be the first and last time i'll see you, but i'll help you as much as i can here! so at least you'll feel better and relaxed for once."

wooyoung began tearing up at the news. he wanted to be with san forever, knowing that he at least had a person who cares.

san noticed wooyoung's eyes welling up with tears, so he softly wiped them away.

"it's alright, we can probably meet in real life."

"really? i thought you said you committed crimes and shit-"

"i'll find a way. i have to meet you, you're too precious."

wooyoung blushed at the compliment and hid his face in his hands. san found it cute and pulled wooyoung's hands away from his face.

"stop hiding!" sam playfully said.

"i'll stop hiding if you stop making me flustered!"

"aish, alright. anyways, take a rest. just don't sleep. you can't dream in a dream. if you close your eyes for sleep, you'll wake up from this dream abruptly."

"okay, noted. now i'll go rest! have fun on your own i guess." wooyoung awkwardly said.

"have a nice rest!"

"thanks, you too." wooyoung thanked san as he ran to a beige couch, hugging the cushion while thinking of san.

illusion <j.wy x c.sn> [woosan] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now