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day 2

wooyoung woke up once again in the protective, white grass land. wooyoung was still stunned by the scenery of the garden. the white butterflies that glowed like fireflies, the grass that moved slowly and softly, and the flowers that danced slowly to the beat of the soft airflow...everything was beyond imagination and ethereal.

"sannie, wake up! i wanna do something with you in the human world. yesterday we spent the whole day talking and now i wanna do something else; something fun." wooyoung rambled as his eyes sparkled.

"sure." san mumbled, not fully conscious of what was happening.

"c'mon, take a shower in the river over there and let's go!"


"what do you wanna do? i don't know much about the human world." san sheepishly scratched his nape, showing he's embarrassed of his lack of knowledge on the human world.

"there's a lot of stuff we can do...you wanna rebel?"

san's facial expression twisted into one of disbelief. "rebel? okay..? would i get caught?"

"nah, it's just graffiti." wooyoung shrugged the crime off.

"isn't that a crime in here? we would have like a money penalty or something for 500 dollars?"

"psh, who cares. that's what makes it fun!"

"woo...what have you been bottling up to make you want to rebel that bad...to break rules?"

"anger. anger and sadness. need to let it out. let's buy some spray paint cans and start the work!"

"okay.." san sighed. he knew it wasn't right, but he had no idea of how to stop wooyoung. san hopelessly gave in, fearing the consequences.

"san, don't be such a pussy. we'll make it out alive! plus, you only have a week here. let's spend it to the fullest!"


"a dozen cans of spray paints...that'd be 24$ please." the cashier said.

"okay!" wooyoung cheerfully whipped out two 10 dollar bills and a 5 dollar coin from his pocket. he handed it to the cashier and charged at the door, pulling san with him.

"thanks!" wooyoung yelled before he opened the door, dragging a confused san who couldn't comprehend anything with him.


everything felt like a movie scene for san. from wooyoung dragging him to the store to wooyoung helping san spray paint the walls of an alley..everything felt so vivid.

"now that we've painted some words, some animals...let's pain an object! hmm...an umbrella!"

"why an umbrella though? out of all things, an umbrella? that's random." san let out a chuckle.

"if you combine our names, wooyoung and san, it makes woosan. woosan means umbrella in korean, therefore we are going to paint an umbrella, to mark this as our territory; a memory for the both of us."

"that's cute.."

"cute?" wooyoung asked, as he was starting to malfunction on the inside. cute?!

'my crush just called me cute i can die content now.' wooyoung screamed in his head.

"woo, you good?" san stopped spray painting as he pinched wooyoung's cheeks.

"ouch!" wooyoung snapped out of his trance, "and yes, i'm totally fine."

"liar." san rolled his eyes, "but i don't think it's anything major, so let's continue spray painting! let's paint the umbrella, pleeeeease?"

"okay, okay. don't whine." wooyoung slapped san's arm as he cringed at the whining.

"what colour should the umbrella be? i think purple is a pretty colour." san said.

"okay! there's a light purple spray paint can here. let's use it!" wooyoung said as he snatched the can from the ground aggressively, and started forming an umbrella shape on the colourful wall.


"ah, that was fun! let me take a full picture of this!" wooyoung jumped up and down from excitement after hours of hard work. san smiled at the graffiti fondly, forgetting any consequences that they might face.

"ta-da!" wooyoung hopped towards san, showing the photo of their artwork to san. san was impressed by his photography skills.

"it's so...beautiful." san admired the photo.

"yeah, it is! it's dark, we should go. plus i'm exhausted anywa-" wooyoung got cut off halfway.

"am i hearing sirens or am i hallucinating..." san asked as his eyes widened in fright.

"shit! here comes the fun part! wait till they get out of their cars and run!" wooyoung smirked.

"this is not how you live-"

"young men," a police officer barged into the alley, "this is not allowed! where are your parents?"

"who said we have parents?" wooyoung scoffed, "san, run!" wooyoung exclaimed as he grabbed on san's hand, leading him out of the alley with several police offices chasing them.

"san," wooyoung panted out of exhaustion, "after we cross one more road, scare them with your flying!"

"yes!" san giggled.

"alright, this is it! if you boys are gonna continue running we're bringing you to the police!"

"you are the police though..?" wooyoung asked as he kept on running.

"shut up, kid!"

"san, spread your wings and bring us to the garden now!"

"yes sir!" san obeyed as he spread his wings, leaving the police flabbergasted. wooyoung hopped on san's back and they flew to the sky in the speed of light.

"that was fun!" wooyoung exclaimed as they landed in the white garden, both exhausted as hell.

"certainly." san said each syllable in between tired pants.

"you sound so breathless. let's sleep." wooyoung yawned as he laid down on the grass.

"yeah, i'm tired. let's go to bed."

and with that, both boys fell into deep sleep, neither forgetting their memorable day.

illusion <j.wy x c.sn> [woosan] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now