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"okay, soobin. i'll need you to follow me." san ordered as soobin displayed a clueless and doubtful look.

"and why on earth should i trust you? what's your plan?" soobin asked.

"actually....i don't know." san scratched his nape sheepishly, causing soobin to facepalm.

"let's just hide here and come up with a plan, alright? the we'll head to that island where the empire is located.

"we need to save my friends too...ugh." san cried out as stress took over him.

"san, it's alright. we still have time. let's just contact the enemies and lie to them, telling them that we're on their side. and then we'll team up with them and make the war happen sooner. okay?" soobin calmly explained as he physically comforted a stressed san, who was curled up on the ground.

"thanks, soobin." san thanked soobin.

"anytime. now let's just gather some of the most powerful citizens and tell them about our plan.


san and soobin walked around the neighbourhood, searching for their ideal citizens.

"hello? please open the door." san knocked on a white wooden door as soobin stood beside him.

the door opened almost immediately, with a tall, handsome figure standing behind it. not taller than soobin though.

"how may i help you?" the tall figure asked.

"can you help us defeat jaehyuk?" san bluntly asked, which startled the tall figure a bit.

"sure." the tall figure then answered.

"thank you so much hyunjin!" san bowed a perfect 90°.

"no problem, buddy." hyunjin lightly hit san's arm with his elbow.

"c'mon, let's go find three more people and we're good to go." san said cheerfully.

"are you sure six people all together is enough..?" soobin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"yup! six people plus the enemies is more than enough, dingbat." san smiled brightly as he skipped away.

"you fucking-" soobin clenched his teeth as he held a fist out.

"calm down, whoever you are." hyunjin patted soobin's back.

"i'm soobin."

"oh." hyunjin dryly replied as he walked towards san.

"they're the same kind..." soobin fake cried as he chased the other two.


"okay, now let me do a head count." san said.

"hyunjin, soobin, beomgyu, minho, taehyun and me. great!" san cheered.

"now what?" taehyun asked.

"come with me." soobin said as he spread his wings flying towards a random direction, with the five other people tagging along.


"when are we gonna get there..." minho asked as he started running out of energy.

"soon. jaehyuk told me where the empire is so we can get there pretty quickly if my calculations are correct." soobin said.

"why would jaehyuk tell you where the empire is though?" beomgyu asked.

"he works in his empire as a trainer, so he knows about everything about the enemies." san explained, with beomgyu nodding his head understandingly.

the six of them then kept on flying, despite of the feeling of exhaustion. finally, they arrived.


"okay. we have to be careful with our words, or else they'll never believe or work with us. sound as persuading as possible, okay?" soobin whispered.

"tsk, i'm good at being persuasive. watch me." san smirked cockily. as he tried to charge towards the ground, soobin quickly grabbed on his leg.

"i don't know what you're on, and i don't trust you. let's just do it as a whole, okay? you seem like the type of person to boast excessively about yourself and screw everything up afterwards." soobin made a quite serious remark, which offended san greatly.

"soobin, i shouldn't be in a bad mood right now but fuck you-"

"stop, both of you. how are we gonna get this done if you two keep having your unnecessarily aggressive bickering continuing for an eternity?" taehyun technically rapped in one breath, visibly annoyed.

"okay, taehyun. let's go then." soobin sighed as he led the other five down towards the ground, instantly greeted by terrifying guards standing like a statue in front of the gates.

san walked towards the guards while the others are unaware.

"hey buddy." san winked at the guard, which the guard was unresponsive.

"hey. i'm here to tell you something. let me in the empire, please?" san did the most hypnotising puppy eyes towards the guard, staring straight into his soul.

the guard couldn't help but giggle, then quickly realised the sound he let out and instantly shut himself up.

"here's the plan. i'm actually here to get your side of the land of illusion to fight jaehyuk, as known as the fucking imbecile worst leader the abhorrent dickhead."

"okay." the guard replied, totally unconvinced. 

"judging by your scent, you're one of jaehyuk's people. are you sure this isn't a plan to help jaehyuk win the war?" the guard asked.

"tsk, trust me. i have everything planned out. let me in your empire and i'll get the king to fight with me." san said slowly, his tone progressively getting more and more hypnotising.

meanwhile with the other five, they were still discussing how to approach the guards, unaware of san's missing presence.

"wait. where's san?!" soobin exclaimed in shock.

"that sneaky little bitch!" soobin's face turned red as he saw san talking to a guard.

"calm down, soobin. i'm sure he's actually legit with his persuading skills. he didn't lie." minho patted soobin's back.

"and how are you so sure?"

"i'm a living, walking, breathing lie detector. it's very easy to tell when someone's lying and san was definitely not lying."

"i see." soobin huffed, still stubborn.

"dear soobin. i know this is harsh, but if you don't fucking snap out of your stubbornness nothing is gonna be done." beomgyu seriously stated, walking towards soobin.

soobin sighed, non-verbally admitting his wrongdoing.

"let's just trust san on this, okay?" hyunjin tried to conclude the conversation, preventing a fight from starting. the other four nodded, watching san in a distance.

"dear guard..." san seductively tilted his head, fully hypnotising the guard. the guard then opened the door, while san signalled the five boys to go over.

"great one, san." hyunjin elbowed san with a smile plastered on his face.


illusion <j.wy x c.sn> [woosan] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now