Happy Pills

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The next day,

Decidueye's POV:

Another day, another day to be a mistake to this world. I get ready to go to the store since I've noticed the shopping list that Primarina had put up for a bunch things that she and Incineroar needed for food and other goods. I carefully open the attic door to get a fresh wave of the new air from below the ladder in which I use to get up and down to and from the attic. I climb down the ladder and quietly open the door from the small closet space that is actually my way of sneaking back up so I didn't have to take the long route out the other direction. But before I could leave, I started to make breakfast for both Incineroar and Primarina just like I usual did since we got the house. I made sure to look normal and straight so they wouldn't suspect anything suspicious over my quiet behavior, but I feel somewhat surprised every time they believe of my actions and not think anything of it later on.

While I was in the middle of making scrambled eggs and bacon on the stove, I overheard footsteps going down the stairs and a slight yawn that came from Incineroar, and I felt my feather stand on end as I try to look as normal as possible. But when I expected him for a greeting, since that he and Primarina mostly do sometimes, Incineroar didn't say anything put just gave me a gentle rub and pet on the head, it kind of startled me a bit because he doesn't do that very often, but I sometimes want it all the time since I want Incineroar very much with all my heart can hold. However, I don't deserve to love or have anybody I love around me from how much of a disease I am, and nobody wants a disease or another problem to deal with in their lives. I slightly wanted to turn around and see my Incineroar's face but I forced myself to face back towards the pans with the food since I don't really deserve to see him fully anyway. Once I was done with the food, I got out two plates from the cabinets above me and set the food gently on them, each amount for the both of them, along with glasses of orange juice and milk. Just the sight of the food made me super hungry too but I didn't want to be fat and ugly, as I already am right now, so I sucked it up and placed the plates down on the tables for breakfast. I finally got my act together and walked out of the house with some of my cash in hand so I could pay for everything.

A half hour walking to and arriving at the store later,

I was walking around the super market while pushing the cart down the isles and getting each thing on the list. I am actually quite relieved to see not a bunch of people and Pokémon at the store, usually there would be much more of them here and it makes me kinda uncomfortable since I feel like someone might just get suspicious and ask. Plus, I've been kinda scared to be around a bunch of other people and Pokémon since I've been alone in the attic for a long time, so I lost a little bit of my extrovert self. I walked into another isle where the medicine and bath products were located, so I could find some more soap and shampoo for Primarina and Incineroar since they need it. When I was about to get some shampoo from the shelf, I noticed something at the corner of my eye, the medicine bottles to my left. I took a long second of looking at the bottles for a little while before I finally set the shampoo bottle down in the cart and backup to were the medicine bottles were. I examined each of the different kinds of medicine there stacked on the shelves until I saw one kind that caught my eye and held my sight onto it for a good long minute. It was happy pill medicine bottles that had this baby blue and purple label on it. I picked up one of them and read it inside my head with eyes of sudden interest;

*Happy Pills.....the key to your happiness and path to heaven of sweetness and tenderness for yourself...* I read the label to myself.

My eyes widen in surprise and shock that I might've found something that I should've been doing a long long time ago. Happy pills...the term just fits perfectly somehow and I felt as if a gate was opened for me to try this thing out and if it works out, then I might be able to cope again. Plus for an extra ticket, I might not have to hide my inner feelings anymore, I just have the pills in me to do the work for me without any tears getting through my eyes! This could work...for once! I immediately looked up from the bottle and looked around a tiny bit with a few blinks so I was making sure that I wasn't dreaming of this happening. I put the pill bottle in the seat part of the cart and went on with my shopping for the other things I needed for the gang. I paid for everything once I've pretty much gotten everything, and especially have a slight pint of hope if those happy pills take me away from my misery. I left the store with the grocery bags in the grasp of my psychic while I was using it to carry everything, so I could hold the pill bottle in my hand/paw. I opened the bottle up and took one pill out of the container and stared at it for a little bit before I took a deep breath and took it in to my system. I opened my eyes after a couple minutes of walking home while still using psychic for now and slightly felt a small kick in my head mentally and I sorta felt like I was going into a whole other feeling. This feeling tasted like something your dream place and it's like I wasn't sad like before, instead I sorta felt free from my chains and my eyes were like sparkling physically to me and I didn't realize the amount of mental sugar in it, just making me feel fantastic.

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