Was it Him?!?

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The picture was made by Mikel.M. Huge credits to them!!

Primarina's POV:

I finally sat down after getting some Pepsi in the fridge of everyone for dinner. I sat right in the other side of Decidueye since Incineroar already stole the other side just cuddle and take care of Decidueye. They look so cute together!! I could just imagine what would've been them if they confessed when they were a Torracat and Dartrix. Back then, I would've been third wheeling them all the time, but I might do anyways since they now OFFICIALLY a thing. I watched of how Incineroar's eyes kept looking over to Decidueye laying back on the couch, eating his curry that I made for dinner. I smiled at Incineroar before he could notice me and a huge blush came over his face with his head turned back towards the TV going live for a soccer game in Unova. It's been our dream to visit that region someday and actually travel somewhere outside the region, but the fair share is that we saved money for at least three years for it to be coming soon, but because of Decidueye's suicide accident, it gave us more time to collect any spare change in case. The soccer match soon got to be the home stretch for one of the winning teams for I heard a little wail outside the house. I turned my head behind me to open the curtains and look outside the window behind our sofa. It was dark as night outside with most stars up in the sky gleaming in the dark abyss sky. I shrugged it off, thinking nothing of it until I noticed Decidueye snuggle up to Incineroar in a way to keep warm or wanting him really bad just for comfort. I smiled at them again until my smile disappeared when the wailing came back from outside, only now sounding much closer this time. Now all three of us turned around, with Incineroar holding Decidueye carefully in his arms, towards the no open window.

"Did you guys hear that??"

"W-h-wh-at..w-was that??" Decidueye managed to stutter.

"I don't think it's anything serious, besides we are at least a quarter mile away from the neighbors because of our front and backyard. I'm sure it's nothing. Could be a wild rat or dog Pokémon if it makes you feel any better."

"Ugh, Incineroar. I didn't ask of what kind of thing made the noise, but I just heard it a second ago."

All of us looked at each other before Incineroar closed the blinds and curtains all together.

"Keep Decidueye company for a quick second." Incineroar said in a serious tone before laying Decidueye back down on the couch.

Decidueye turned onto his side and we both looked at each other with confusion and insecurity in our faces. He tried to stutter out of what kind of cry was it that I heard. I got even more confused over the specific sounding question but I told him that it was a wail that a teen guy human would make or possibly a Lycanrock's sick howl. That seemed to relax him a bit as he laid his head back down on his pillow. Incineroar came back downstairs and told that all the windows and blinds are shut just so we can feel a little safer. I accepted it as is. Decidueye on the other hand looked like he was going into shocked in static. He lifted up his head a little and stared at a far window in the office room, however it was closed with its black curtains and preventing anything from showing itself in any kind of figure. His pupils shrunk to a sort of mortified look but Decidueye looked to try so hard to keep himself collected and calm. His feathers screwed up and looked like a couple of them stood on their ends with fear crawling up his bandaged wings.

"Babe? Decidueye, what's wrong??"

Decidueye didn't say anything except trying to drag himself closer to Incineroar.

"Th-there's s-s-so..me..ting out..s-side..!!" Decidueye stuttered out.

Incineroar took Decidueye into his embrace immediately and I tried to get the courage to actually try and see what the hell Decidueye was trying to say. Decidueye never ever lied to us in our lives and he's the type to never joke around when its this sorta thing. I looked outside the curtains in which Decidueye pointed out, only to be nothing there except the flag pole in the front porch just slightly waving against the soft wind outside. I looked extra carefully but I couldn't see anything. With a tiny squint, I swore to Arceus of heaven that I saw something in a far tree in the yard. I looked back at Decidueye with the same confused and scared expression but I tried to close the curtains as normal as possible to not show any signs of me being a wussy.

It's Okay to Cry (Incineroar x Decidueye)Where stories live. Discover now