Inner Feelings

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By the next morning,

Decidueye's POV:

I woke up to the sounds of thunder going on over the roof that doesn't really support a lot of warmth or comfort over my head. But it was fine with me, I've been getting used to not having the healthiest for my benefits. Plus, nobody really bothers me anymore so I don't have the feelings of wondering when someone comes up to see or retrieve something. I couldn't get myself to sleep, which I really didn't need anyways since I'm mostly awake all the time, so I just get out of my book and I take a good look at my pale body, that wasn't it's normal shape for weeks, and just hugging my Incineroar plush toy one last time until I heard a swarm sound in the short distance from my box.

I knew who it was..he's here again..for another "lecture" of why I shouldn't even show myself up to anything or I'm better off less eating and being more attractive if I was eating less to gain nothing but air through my lungs. I wanted to go see him just to give myself a piece of this time of shame. I make my way over to the area of the attic that tended to be in the weakest condition so far despite the rest of the attic with barely any protective holds from the upper layer.

"Well well well, look who decided to show up." The voice said with its red to dark indigo eyes looking at me from the cornered darkness.

I took in my further silence and kept my eyes down, not daring to look up at it, but I felt it's cold blooded claws trail their way to my chin and caress the feather on top of my hood.

"Wh-what do you want f-from me??!" I asked while trying not to sound frightened.

"Oh you know what I want GHOST FREAK!!" The voice said while it emerges more from the darkness as its form of a Gengar.

"You and I made a deal months ago that your "somewhat called friends" don't have to deal with my presence! You keep saying that you "need" them but you and your lazy a** stays glued here in this perfect place, FOR A MISTAKE LIKE YOU!!!!" Gengar continued.

"I-I know-."

"SHUT UP YOU USELESS PIECE OF NOTHING!!" The Gengar yelled at the top of his lungs.

"You basically don't know or realize that nobody, not even your friends, EVER LOVED YOU!!! Not even that fire tiger friend of yours, he down right hates you and every inch of your body."

"I know......" I say, starting to tear up.

"Plus, not even everyone who say "oh we will never leave you, bla bla bla~." they don't really mean it!! They say that stuff just to shut you up as you are already the biggest crybaby that they know about, which is another reason why they don't care and leave you here."

As the Gengar kept shouting and assaulting me with words, I could feel myself start to shake, my breathing pattern worsening, the shattered of my already broken heart being hit into much more smaller pieces than before, and even the tears felt like paying me another visit. But before I felt them trickle, Gengar slapped me across the face and it drained most of my HP since I'm not as healthy as I used to be before all this started with our "deal". In case you don't understand, the deal we made was that ever since the big battle at the Battle Royal Stadium and Incineroar winning the grand prize, this Gengar "pal" of mine didn't make it to fight in the final round and he planned to get his revenge on Incineroar by harm of the soul and mental ability, but me, having my love dead set for him and I couldn't bare to see Incineroar suffer like that, so I made myself like his shield and suffered the consequences of what the Gengar wanted. He kept me up here and gave me the rules as to barely leave the place and only go out when I need to get more food or be more slave towards myself and serving the others without presenting myself in any way. I don't even care of myself anymore, but all I care about is Incineroar's and even my other friends' safety and health from this monster who sucks every inch of happiness inside me.

"Awww is the crybaby birdie gonna cry?~~" Gengar said while kept slapping and hitting right towards me.

"Oh grow up already!!! No wonder your friends left you!! No wonder they don't want you in their lives anymore!! No wonder Incineroar doesn't love you!!! You might as well die already." Gengar said while using a spiritual move set on me of where I was the most weak.

I didn't even realize that I was silently bawling my eyes out until I noticed the tears falling from my eyes and blood dripping from my nose and mouth from the soreness and pain.

"Come on crybaby~ GET UP!!!! GET THE F*** UP AND BE A MAN!!!" Gengar screamed in my face while grabbing me by my chest and bow tie, bringing me up close to his scary eyes that gave me nightmares almost all the time.

I immediately nod to his demands and harshly threw me to one of the old metal tables that we used to use for outdoor barbecues. My head started to ring when it hit one of the metal bars of the table as the rest of me felt numb and I couldn't move a feather.

"I'll deal with you next week, but for now, I've got more crybabies to take care of." Gengar said while giving me one final hard scratch to my stomach, to do further damage till I could almost pass out.

"Heh....crybaby." Gengar says before flying through the roof, leaving the room in silence.

When he was finally gone, I could now let out some tears but not fully letting out all my suffering and cries for help because I've taught myself how to do it over time. I force myself back to my feet as my legs tremble and lose my balance, making me fall back down again. Gengar always pays visits every week, and when he says that he has other "crybabies" he means by other people to suffer too. That just makes me want to have all the pain 24/7 for those poor Pokémon, possibly people, not wanting to suffer the way I am, but I don't love myself anyway. But Gengar was right, everyone just says those things to get me to shut up and get to the point of living like this, and it's punishment for being who I used to be back when things felt like a dream come true. I really am a mistake who doesn't know how to control my mental illness or act the way everyone wants me to. He's right on me being the biggest crybaby to breathe and I know that I am from how much crying I do on a daily basis ever since I dragged myself from the real world outside of the attic. I just wanna die already. I want to escape this world. I want Arceus to remove me, the biggest mistake everyone wants to throw away.

I just wanna die right now, so Incineroar and everyone I know can be happy again...

End of Chapter 2

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