Can't Stay Down

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One and a half hour later,

No one's POV:

Decidueye was left to sleep in the bedroom till dinner was being cooked downstairs. He's got to admit, he wasn't used to sleeping for such a long period of time to the point where something would just come up and wake him from his heavenly sleep. If only he could stay asleep for good and just rest after dealing with too much guiltiness he put on himself and for the lovable friends he's had forever now. Despite it being a little bit of a challenge convincing Decidueye to have a small nap, Incineroar managed to do it by just staying right by his side while the entertainment on YouTube did its thing. He continually tries to rub the inside of Decidueye's hand as a way to break away some forms of stress and tightness inside his bloodstream and the pressure he kept from high levels of anxiety and crippling emotional weights. To his surprise, he was out in just ten minutes. Before leaving though, he gave Decidueye his Incineroar plush toy back just in case he woke up and needed something if he couldn't get up there quick enough to calm his tears. Incineroar didn't think that Decidueye would actually use the plushie that much and hold onto it as if it were his own child. He found it cute to finally see how much Decidueye really loved him on how much he cuddled the plush toy.

The owl rested deeply underneath the sheets keeping him warm and in place. It was half and half on the amount of sunlight pouring from window across the bedroom from his bed but the curtains were shut to make them not disturb Decidueye at all. He was perfectly fine before the door slowly opened, but nobody entered the room. It's personal figure slightly revealed itself to at least 50 percent before floating up right behind Decidueye's back towards the wall. It didn't even need to crouch down to whisper to the ears of the peaceful sleeping owl.

"You forgot that I'm still here?~~." said Gengar in a slightly angered and demonic voice.

Decidueye slowly fluttered his weary eyes before coming to his realization that reality had come to collect him for his next battle against himself and his already weak body.

"You think that just because you're leg is split apart and your whole nothing body is gonna stop you from doing your chore?"

Decidueye stayed frozen like ice, now his eyes completely wide open and not moving from across the bedroom. He didn't dare turn around to face his abuser.

"Heh...they are definitely right on you being lucky. I could use some company~."

"L-l-leave m-me a-alone..!!" Decidueye whisper shouted while shutting his eyes tightly as if it were a dream.

"Aww is the bird crybaby scared?~" Gengar tease while poking the hurting side of Decidueye's head.

"Wh-what do you wa-nt with me!!" Decidueye whisper-yelled again while sounding shaky and tearing up.

"You signed that commitment to me, you pay the price. And who said you get to have a break on the job? Huh b**ch?" Gengar now asked with pure rage.

"I-I can't leave m-my r-room Geng-gar, I-Inci-neroar s-said f-for m-me to stay!!"

"Oh Decidueye, are you this resistible? Stop being so weak and quit your attention getting game. You know they only want you here just because you can't keep your a** up on your own. It was your fault after all. But it's great for me, since I don't have to be in one spot anymore and keep ya company." Gengar said while caressing Decidueye's hurt side rather harsh to nag him on.

"S-stop it! I-I do-don't...please.!! Just let go! L-let m-m-me l-live! I-inci..l-loves me!"

"Give me a damn break, liar. You knows he's just lying to you just so you can shut your beak up from your useless tears that are only gonna kill ya faster."

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