Telling the Truth

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No one's POV:

For the first few hours since Primarina got home with Decidueye from the hospital, they have been the most quiet and peaceful for Decidueye, but ironically to him, it hurts to the core from not being used to such kindness. Incineroar was mostly the one to give himself the responsibility for Decidueye's care until he's physically able to do things again. But first, he wanted to enjoy some of the first moments beside his birdie. Incineroar was about to take Decidueye back into his "real" bedroom for the first time in forever, but Decidueye wanted the opposite. He was really shocked that he isn't being taken back to his hellhole in the attic and even tried to tell Incineroar that by reaching out to where the kitchen was, the small place where the ladder was to the attic, but Incineroar was not gonna give into it any time soon. As Incineroar moved upstairs, Decidueye even tried to talk but his throat felt like thorns inside keeping his voice from saying a word about the attic. Incineroar tried to hold him down against him as gentle as possible while shushing him to save his voice for when he could talk. Decidueye eventually gave up and just held inside his screams and crying that this care was kinda too much for him to take, after what he's been through.

"Save your voice my beautiful angel. Don't force it out." Incineroar saves while rubbing Decidueye's back and opening Decidueye's real bedroom door.

Decidueye watched Incineroar's hand open his bedroom door and everything was right where it was before he went into his self-abuse and hiding, except it was cleaner and smelled cleaner too from dust polish and the air conditioner tuning itself to circulate. He moved his head to look at everything around him and tears of memory came back from how much time he spent in this room once they all moved together. Piece by piece like a puzzle, he spent so much putting his own small space. Out of the purpose, he wished to Arceus that Incineroar didn't find anything to at involved his stuff that had clues of how much he liked Incineroar. Incineroar gently held him in one arm careful enough before pulling off the blankets and bed sheets off and slowly puts Decidueye down, back first onto the bed. The owl took a breath and let the softness press against his back as his whole underweight body laid down. He didn't dare move a muscle from the feeling of being paralyzed by the soft bed under him, but he couldn't find anywhere inside that it's bad. Deci tried to in a way that he has been used to. Incineroar gently pulled up the bed sheets up and over Decidueye as light as it floats down to cover, then the blankets which were a tiny bit heavier and less likely to float down. Decidueye couldn't resist the no pain and curled up under the sheets, letting out a tiny whimper when he moved the left leg.

"Shh it's okay, Decidueye. Don't try to move okay?" Incineroar said while making sure that the covers were as neat and covered his crush completely.

*But I can't help it!! It's not my fault that I ain't used to no pain* Decidueye thought to himself in a slight rage and cry.

"You feel okay like this, cutie? Are you comfortable?" Incineroar asked while kneeling down beside Decidueye's bed and up to Decidueye's level.

*Y-yes but can you stay?* Decidueye thought to himself while smiling just to bring some kind of answer.

"Well....before I go and get something, can I tell and ask you something?" Incineroar asked while sounding a tiny bit sincere and concerned.

Decidueye felt something was up and knows already what he was gonna say. He was scared. He knows how long he's been up in the attic alone with barely anything of comfort to make him this mental over the little acts of kindness towards him. How can he not know what Incineroar might be thinking to ask.

"Now, I want you to be honest with me and I know it's been a while since you've spoken to anyone of anything, but I wanna here the answer from your words." Incineroar continued.

It's Okay to Cry (Incineroar x Decidueye)Where stories live. Discover now