Visit to Acerola

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Credit for the artwork: Omiza-Zu on deviantart. Lots of credit to them for making this piece of art.

The next early morning,

Incineroar's POV:

I immediately let myself almost pounce out of bed with Decidueye laying next to me, almost shaking to the point of stroke shaking. I gently picked him up and held him my arms as I started to rub his back a little, whispering into his ear that it was okay, nothing was gonna be coming up again from last night. I thought it was supposed to be perfect, how the hell did that "thing" attacked my birdie. Not on my watch! I called up the number from this morning, asking if she is still available and has some free time on her hands to help us out. Soon after calming my cutie down, I got a response from Trial Captain, Acerola. She's technically a skilled ghost type specialist, sometimes dark and psychic types too since they all deal with mostly soul matter moves and stuff like that. Acerola has a lot of trust within the customers she gets for any kind of problem, mostly ghost type Pokémon since their typing is far different and somebody's gotta look deeper than the normal ones do. I wrapped up my Decidueye up in a warm blanket from my bed sheets and quickly wrote a note to everyone else, letting them know where we'll be at for the time being first thing in the morning. To be honest, I don't even know why I called so early when the sun is halfway to its rising point. I got Decidueye's wheelchair folded up while Decidueye remained in my arms, fast asleep. Getting it into the minivan somehow pretty decent, I got Decidueye buckled into his wheelchair and had the bottom van buckles strapping the wheelchair in place before I looked at my beautiful owl with softened eyes to see him sleep in peace.

"It's okay my love, we're going to see her right now. Just try to relax for me." I whispered to Decidueye before kissing him on the head and shutting the door.

I got into the driver's seat, shut the door after me, and started the engine as quickly as I could before putting on a good warm temperature for Decidueye to sleep through on our way to Acerola's place. Once I was on the road, I overhear Decidueye move a little in the back-middle row behind me and I turned my mirror on him so I can see his beautiful face waking up from the sun's rays pouring into the vehicle. Decidueye, with a little flutter and sparkle in his eyes, he lets himself hang off in his wheelchair before I came to a red light from the road I need to go down. I took a small quick look at him with my own eyes and gave Decidueye that saying again from how I said it before I drove off. Only this time to myself, I didn't know what to do about this situation.

Every time I pay my mind a free buck to take a look of last night when I heard my owl scream for help and almost smacks of anger being yelled from his bedroom. The tiny second I saw the dude hovering over my love and disappearing out of sight with a scratch that could scar the rest of Decidueye's sleeping schedule, let alone his mental health for Arceus knows how long he will be prettified of it. No, it can't be him, he died during the accident of the eruption tour. He wouldn't be fully evolved if he were dead? Or was the paranormal being as weird as reality right now. It almost looked like someone I've known for almost my starting chapter of my childhood.

From the looks of the thing I saw last night, it looked to be a Gengar. Somehow..I don't know why, but it trailed to me from an old friend, before I met Primarina and Decidueye as a young small Litten. He was a Gastly at the time we met and mostly were almost brothers till the age of I think, Pre-School years as four year olds. The both of us met when my parents' friend, who was a Malamar, needed something taken care of and the Malamar lady brought her son, a Gastly, the same age as me at the time. I was a little weirded out at first of his appearance since I'm barely out of the house and I somehow loved the solitude, God I regret liking that after I met Primarina and Decidueye. Gastly was a chipper and energetic kid who tries to bring up the light out my introverted Litten self. I almost wanted to leave out the window at that point, but I gave in just so he could leave me alone. Turns out, it was actually a good time and I used to ask my mother and father if Gastly could come over again sometime. They DID NOT hesitate to say yes and had Malamar and her son come by almost every weekend to talk, in or outside the house. But that only lasted for a year and half before I and Gastly started going to different pre-schools in the region.

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