Fire and Water

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No one's POV:

However, the two friends who once were the best friends of the depressed owl, weren't harmful in any shape or form. They stayed down throughout the rest of the house, having a grand old time with each other and sometimes having a couple other friends coming over for a night or two. Although they don't see Decidueye that much, they assume that he was making an early sleep schedule. Those two fire and water Pokémon were Incineroar and Primarina. Incineroar was the oldest out of the three and Primarina being in the middle, having Decidueye was the youngest by a year. Not knowing about Decidueye's love or interests, Incineroar has been having the same affections for the ghost owl but was too shy to say anything to him before they moved into their new home. Incineroar and Decidueye have been the closest to one another by bond for the longest before they met Primarina, but they felt like they were non-biological brothers who were meant or each other from the very beginning. As for Primarina's relationship, she and Decidueye are just as the same with Incineroar, just different. Primarina is kinda like the mother friend out of the bunch and makes sure that everyone and everything was alright and in order within the group.

The two Pokémon were just chilling out on the couch while the TV was on and running. Incineroar laying on the couch bored to death, while Primarina was reading one of her anime novels, just because it keeps her motivated at times.

"Ughh! I'm so bored. It's like things are not as interesting anymore." Incineroar said while tossing and turning.

"Yeah, I have to agree. I do like reading anime, but I feel like it's just getting too much sometimes." Primarina agreed while closing her book with her coral charm bookmark.

"What "should" we do? Cause we haven't had fun know..since the move in party." Incineroar asked while looking at Primarina.

"How about invite Kirlia and Glacy over for a sleepover? We haven't done that since we had that temporary house before this place came up." Primarina suggests with a smile as she puts her book back on the shelf.

"Sure, that'd be kind of fun. I mean it's better than just lounging around for the hundredth to thousandth time this week." Incineroar replies while sitting back up.

"Sweet, I'll text them and ask what time they can come by." Primarina continues with a smile as she whips out her phone.

"Oh! And Primarina...there's something else too.." Incineroar added while looking slightly suspicious.

"What is it, Incineroar?" Primarina asked while looking at him with a look of concern in her eyes.

"There's something..that doesn't feel..right..I don't know why but I feel it." Incineroar said while scratching his own arm.

"Well...I kinda felt that way too but I'm sure it's nothing. I think it's just how different here at the place." Primarina said while giving him a comforting smile.

"I guess so...anyway! Let's just call the girls up." Incineroar said while trying to change the subject just to not to think about his suspicions.

"Oookay." Primarina said while dialing Kirlia and Glaceon.

Incineroar's POV:

I try not to forget that feelings something being wrong that we aren't paying attention to, I wanted to get rid of it but I can't. I head upstairs for my bedroom just to sort things out for myself until I pass Decidueye's bedroom, which his bedroom door was left ajar. I peek a tiny bit and felt my heart flutter a tiny bit to see him sleeping in bed. Decidueye mostly been sleeping most of time, but it's kinda normal though for some ghost types. To be honest, I've actually liked Decidueye for a long time now since I was a Torracat and him being a Dartrix. We do have a good relationship, even though he's been mostly in his new bedroom most of the day, the only time he came out was just to get food I believe since I always overhear his cute little footsteps of his clawed feet against the house floors. Just seeing him resting and being so peaceful in bed while I could just fanboy on the inside and scream deep down while growing deeper in love with him, every single day. Sometimes at night, I think about him until I fall asleep, imagining a future with him and holding him close to me every step of the way and protecting him within every inch of strength inside of my body. I want him all for myself and no one else would have him or take care of him instead of myself. I wish I could cuddle him 24/7 without anything interrupting us, wanting only him knowing that I'll always be there for him no matter what happens.

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