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Decidueye's POV:

My mind was almost filling up with Acerola's advice on how to defend ourselves against Genger. I almost didn't not want to believe her about the salt formula stuff working for an alive ghost Pokemon to stay back. I overheard her talking to Incineroar about letting the police know about the missing case and maybe a search being started as soon as she gets off the phone with Officer Jenny. I let out a small breath of relief for a simple restraining order to be put upon Gengar, until a thought came up in my mind. What if Gengar finds out that Incineroar is putting a restraining order on him for what I said to him about OUR past. Gengar is a lot stronger than me and I am mostly a pacifist myself so there's no way in either heaven or hell that I could win a battle with him, even if I train myself, there's just no way I can do it. Wait a minute......I'm overthinking again.....darn. As I was getting put back into my wheelchair, I watched Incineroar walk up to Acerola and thank her for the kind and bold action she is helping us make. I surprisingly managed to pull myself up and buckle into my wheelchair while my hands/paws were a little bit shaky from last night's tension. I let out a few breaths in and out to calm my nerves and for once, I felt better and just a tad into my recovery. I guess it ain't that bad, I guess? A few minutes passed before Acerola walked back into her office and Incineroar came back over to me with his face almost wanting to have a battle with whoever gave him a hard time.

"Oh? Aye, you got the belt on! You're healing, babe." said Incineroar in a now happier voice.

"W-Well...I-I didn't want t-to take much time...i-in case y-you had t-to be somewhere."

"Oh nah! It's alright, I've got nowhere to be at anyways, but with you in this crazy world." Incineroar said while flirting with me as he pushed me out the door and down the ramp again.

"I-Incineroar! Wh-what d-did I say b-before!?" I said back with a blush coming back on my face.

"What? I only want to spice things up~ You deserve a nice break, you know~~" flirted Incineroar as we went back onto the main path as before.

"Yeah right.....I might get the both of us killed..."

"What do you mean killed? Nothing is gonna happen, hon-"

"Come on, Inci! I-I kn-know something is up, I-I saw th-that 'look' in your eyes
And I know i-it has something to do with G-Gengar." I tried to point out while looking back at Incineroar, my back not hurting as much now.

"Okay......I might as well tell you,'s only something we can only tell Primarina as well since......she's mostly involved too."

"O-okay, I will listen." I said as I turned back around while trying to relax my body.


"Gengar used to be a childhood friend of mine, before I met you and Primarina when we were very little, little as in our first stage ages........we used to be close, but he kinda used to be very pitiful sometimes...and.....sorta.....not so nice sometimes at other Pokemon when I was ever around any other Pokemon our age. He only wanted me himself, and him only. Never wanted to give any f**ks about anyone else or include anyone into our friend circle. I was stupid to let him do such stuff like that in the past, but somehow I met you both before it got worse any further." Incineroar explains to me while we walk down the long road back to Malie City.

"S-So...h-he was one of those uh....I-I don't w-wanna sound mean bu-"

"Deci, I give you permission to cuss him out. I mean, he did you so much pain and suffering for Arceus knows how long you've kept your beak shut. You can say whatever you want about him." Incineroar interrupts me while giving a stern tone in his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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