Unhappy Notice

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One week later of using the happy pills,

Decidueye's POV:

It's been almost a full two weeks of happiness and it was like the top best of it in my entire time since we got the new place to stay. I really should've thought of this grand idea from the start!! I mean, come on! This is how people feel normally right? I actually got to see a bunch of people outside of home and boy was it great to see them, however, the most struggle was towards my parents, they have no idea of my mental health or the pills but I'm glad, somehow managing to make the best of it before leaving afterwards. But unfortunately, the happiness slowly starts to drain away and sometimes in public, and when that happens, I would immediately pop in another pill and fake a smile until the chemistry takes hold of my entire body and mind. I ended up buying more and more pill bottles on the daily whenever I ran out of pills the second the last one hits my tongue. The only two I haven't spoken too yet was Primarina and Incineroar, but I wish they'd be the LAST Pokémon I talk too until I get onto this new routine. I know it's been a long while but I feel like they'll find out anywhere in a pinch if I made the move that people with the same condition as me will make as a small sign of something wrong. I didn't want to take the risk so I still kept my distance and didn't tell them anyway.

I was finishing up a fresh fly up from the sky but it soon started to get cloudy and I even felt a drop of rain fall on my head. I soared down towards a lavender flower tree that was nearby to the house before it could slowly start pouring. The tree was where it all started, it's where I made my first friendships with Incineroar and Primarina when we were just a year old. It was so much fun, me being the youngest I was a very shy child and yet, I still am to this day. That's when I realize I was silently crying again and I thought it was the rain, dripping from the leaves and branches above me. I sniffled and hugged my knees as tight as my skinny weak body can handle and pretended that I was hugging Incineroar just to at least try and seem like everything was fine as I set my tenth pill bottle beside me.

*Oh don't be a wuss bag, you're crying over nothing!! No wonder they want to avoid you a lot, especially your little bitty crush Incineroar. He'd DEFINITELY laugh his tail off to see you crying this way and expect so much more from you if you want to get him to notice you, crybaby.* I said to myself as I cried and hugged my knees tighter.

I gave myself a good slap hard across the face as if it was Incineroar forcing me to man-up and grow up from my tears and knee-hugging. I clear away my tears and held the pill bottle with shaky hands until I noticed two Pokémon I recognized. It was Glaceon and Kirlia walking towards my direction. I immediately flew into a panic and I opened the pill bottle as quickly as possible, trying not to drop any of my precious happy candies and I got one into my mouth and I clean off my face and eyes to make it look like I wasn't crying in the first place with my red puffy eyes being visible. I practiced my fake smile with my hood closed tightly until I heard a pattern of running footsteps in puddles of rain water near me and I immediately went back to sitting down normally on the ground as if I was just chilling out.

"DECIDUEYE!!!!" Kirlia yelled out to me with a huge smile on her face with Glaceon having a very big umbrella, big enough to keep them both dry.

"O-oh hey girls." I greeted them as they slowed down till they were under the tree with me.

"Whatcha doing out here in the rain?" Glaceon asked me while settling down with her tail slightly around herself.

"I was just flying around a-and about to head off to Ula Ula island, to Mount Lanakila for a walk until it started raining." I told Glaceon with all I could think up randomly.

"Oh, that sounded nice. Where have you been all this time? We barely saw you at the house." Kirlia asked while sitting beside me.

"Oh yeah that, I was just getting stuff for the family. That's all." I lie with a perfect fake smile.

It's Okay to Cry (Incineroar x Decidueye)Where stories live. Discover now