
5.5K 73 47

TW: mentions of self harm and su!cide. 

vin: did you sleep with bryan?

you: no, never. 

vin: did you guys ever make out? 

you: no vinnie. it was one kissed. and he kissed me. 

vin: fuck. i fuck up everything.

you: no you dont.

vin: are you in love with bryan?

you: no! why are you asking me these stupid questions vinnie?

vin: i dont know. 

i hear my phone ringing and i see its jenna face timing me. i pick up and see her crying.

you: oh my god jenna! what happened?

jenna: my mom wouldn't buy me mcdonalds. 

you: bitch...

we both burst out laughing and start talking about whatever. 

vin: y/n.

you: jenna hold on, yes vin?

vin: cuddles?

you: sure. jenna we can still talk imma just be cuddling with vinnie.

jenna: you forgave his ass?

you: shut up! 

i lay down with vinnie and he holds me in his arms.

jenna: you won't believe what happened after you left. 

you: what happened?

jenna: bryan literally cried.

you: the hell?

i start laughing and so does jenna. 

jenna: yeah! he was upset he didn't get to sleep with you.

you: he loved complaining about that. like cry about it. well, i guess he did.

jenna: do you still have your dad's earrings?

you: yeah! i have them in right now. never taking them out. 

vin: hey live.

you: YOUR LIVE??

vin: why not?

i cover my face with my phone

jenna: nice forehead y/n.

you: jenna i know you not talking with your flat ass. we both start laughing and i look at the comments on vinnies live. 

- yall back together?

- kys vinnie.

- imagine being a cheater.

- is that y/n?

- y/n is so gorgeous. i don't know how anyone could cheat on her.

- ew vinnie.

- lol h*ng urself vin. 

- you deserve all the death threats vin.

- is that y/n in your arms? girl run! 

i look back at vinnie and see a teardrop fall from his eye.

you: oh my god! jenna imma call you back later. 

i hang up on jenna and look back at vinnie and see him quietly crying.

you: oh my god!

i snatch the phone from his hand

you: stop telling him to kill himself! were fine! oh my god!

i end the live and hold vinnies face wiping his tears. 

vin: maybe i should be better off being your dead ex.

you: no!, no babe! 

vin: there not going to stop.

you: yes the will! please vinnie. i love you so much don't listen to them! we arent over! 

vin: i should listen to them.

i start crying with vinnie.

you: no vinnie! don't listen to them! there not getting in-between us! 

he looks in my eyes and starts to sob.

you: dont ever think about trying again. i cant lose another person i love to suicide. i cant vinnie. 

he stares at his wrist and i look at them too. there's new-ish cuts there. i hug vinnie tight and he holds me. 

you: can you say something? please? 

vin: everyone hates me.

you: stop vinnie! not everyone hates you. they are just disappointed. 

vin: make it stop y/n.

you: make what stop?

vin: the death threats. 

you: okay! i will.  

i get up and grab my phone. i go on my insta story and cover the camera with a blanket making a black screen. and i type out a message: 

guys, please stop sending vinnie death threats and tell him to kill himself. please. its fucking ridiculous. yes, yes i know you guys are upset but yall are dragging it now. we are fine now. we talked it out and its all good. its getting out of hand. it is not okay. i don't want supporters sending my boyfriend death threats. its sick. so please. stop. its destroying his mental health and it hurts my heart to see him crying over this shit. so stop. 

i post it and let out a big sigh. i look over at vinnie and hes knocked out. i sigh and walk over to him laying down next to him. i kiss him on the forehead and i drift off to sleep.

a/n: anyway thank u for 1.2k reads kinda freaking out rn but i dont know what to write... writing another vinnie story tho lol. and thank u for all the votes it means a lot cuz all im doing all day is writing so yeah thank youuu ilyyyyy ❤❤

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