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vin: what time is it? 

you: uh....ten thirty. 

vin: hm. have you heard from liya or jordan yet? 

you: no not yet bu-

my phone starts ringing and i look and i see its liya. 

you: speaking of..

i pick up the phone and before i can even get a word out jordan starts speaking so fast that i understand but i can barley hear him. 

jordan: y/n! and if vinnie is there get to the hospital right now! liya- liyas in labor! shes having the baby!

you: oh shit! okay okay, were on our way now. 

i hang up and vinnie is staring at me like i have ten heads. 

you: liyas in labor. we need to go right fucking now. 

vinnie and i spring up and scramble around the house finding stuff to bring because were going to be there a while. i grab some waters and chips while vinnie grabs our phone chargers and blankets. we put all of our stuff in a bag and we throw on our jackets and leave. 

jordannn :)

were under perez btw.

okay, were also on our way.

see ya! 

you: are we there yet?

vin: almost there. we dont live far.

i nod my head and go on my phone until we get there. 

*skip to the hospital*

vinnie and i park and get out of the car quickly. i grab the bag and vinnie grabs our phones. we speed walk into the hospital and there isnt that many people there, thank god. i walk to the front desk and i see vinnie looking nervous as hell. 

lady: and your here for?

you: liya perez. 

lady: relationship? 

you: sister. 

lady: fourth room on the left side down there. 

i nod my head and vinnie walks over with me. once we reach the door i knock on the door and let out a loud sigh. jordan opens the door and has the biggest smile on my face.

jordan: oh thank god your here. 

you: we got here as soon as we could.

i smile and jordan moves out the way so vinnie and i could walk in. i put the bag down and i give jordan a hug. i turn around and i see liya on the bed. my heart drops. she looks like shes in so much pain. i speed walk over to her and i give her a soft hug. 

liya: you came! wheres vinnie? 

you: hes over there. vin come over!

he jogs over and gives liya a hug also. 

you: so when is she coming?

liya: the doctor said in about thirty minutes ill start pushing. 

vin: thirty minutes?! 

jordan and liya laugh at vinnies reaction. 

jordan: yup. so i would  recommend putting all your stuff down.

i nod and start putting our phones to charge near the chairs. i sit down and sigh. i grab my phone and scroll through instagram for a little. 


the baby project - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now