tiktok celebration

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you: mom i hit 10 million on titkok!

mom: really? you were just at 5 mill a few months ago!

you: i know!! im so happy!

mom: im so proud of you baby.

i run back upstairs and decide too make a tiktok saying thank you for 10 million. i set up the camera on my desk and i click the timer and once the timer stops i start speaking. 

you: hey guys! thank you so much for 10 million on tiktok! i never thought i would make it this far in my tiktok career if you wanna call it that. but im incredibly thankful for every single 10 million of you! you guys make me smile every day even when im going through the toughest times in my life. but im running out of time but again, thank you! i love you all so so much!

the video stops and i grab my phone and re-watch the video making sure what i said makes sense. i post the video and once i do i get a facetime call from vinnie and i answer it. 

vin: congrats y/n! im so proud of you baby.

you: awh thank you vin! miss you so much.

vin: i miss you too. i cant wait till you come back.

he smiles but looks to the right and his smile fades away.

vin: y/n i- im going to call you later. love you!

he hangs up the phone and i furrow my eyebrows in confusion. i shrug and walk downstairs and see my mom made brownies. 

mom: just for you!! 

you: mamma!! thank you so much!

she smiles and i take a brownie and take a bite out of it. i turn around and see jake come out of his room. i roll my eyes. 

jake: y/n can we talk?

you: fine.

we walk back in his room and he closes the door.

jake: listen im sorry. i was being an asshole the other day and i never want you to feel like im never proud of you because i am. im very very proud of you. 

i smile and give him a big hug.

you: i forgive you. 

jake: thank god.

i pull away from the hug and smile. 

mom: y/n!! jennas here!

i widen my eyes and rush out of jakes room and see jenna with a big cake in her hand. i smile big and i wave her to come in. she puts the cake down and runs in my arms. 

jenna: congrats! im soooo proud of you!

you: thank you jenna! 

jenna: my best friend is tiktok famous.. crazy!!

you: oh please.

she pulls away from the hug and pulls my arm over to the table where she put the cake and she points to it. the cake says 10M!! and my favorite color dots on it. i smile and i grab the nearest knife and i cut it. i take the first slice and quickly bite into it. 

you: wait! this is good as hell!

jenna: yeah because i made it...

you: you can bake?!

jenna: yeah! well, kinda.

you: its so good!

jenna smiles and also takes a bite.

you: what movie should we watch to celebrate?

jenna: your choice!

you: hmmmm.... IT!

jenna: bet!

you: if you get scared im going to laugh my ass off.

jenna: oh shut your ass up.

a/n: i am so sorry that this is so short im stressed out about school and im just struggling in general lmfaooo but i might write another part tomorrow :)



the baby project - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now