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i rub her back and she keeps sobbing. 

you: why didnt he ever love me?

vin: i dont know y/n. im so sorry.

you: im so tired. im tired of everything. 

vin: let me get you some water and something to eat. what do you want? 

you: my sour cream and onion chips. there in the cabinet. 

i lay her down and i get the water and chips and bring them too her. i grab her favorite blanket and put it on her. 

vin: ill stay over here and let you rest. 

you: no. please come her vinnie.

i lay back down next too her and i help her drink her water because her hands are shaking.

you: please hold me. 

i hold her in my arms and i turn on the tv. 

vin: what do you wanna watch?

you: big mouth!

vin: big mouth it is. 

i turn on big mouth and i start to play with her hair. i feel her heartbeat slowing down and her eyes closing. wow. she was falling asleep in my arms again! why is she so beautiful. i dont trust girls after my past with my ex but. i know shes different. i know we made out last night but i started it. i dont think i have felt like this about anyone sense my ex. i truly love this girl. and i cant say that because i dont know if she feels the same way. i look back at y/n and shes sleeping. shes stunning. i look over at her phone and its all cracked and messed up. i decide im going to surprise her. thankfully tomorrow is saturday so i can go too the mall. i want her to feel like shes appreciated. evan treats her like shit all the time. i decide to go live on tiktok for a little. i knew people were going to see that y/n was fast asleep in my arms but i didnt care. i go live and in about a minute 5k people join. i look at what everyone is saying and its what i expected. 

user1: is that y/n?

user2: who is that in your arms?

user3: hey vinnie!

user4: is that y/n in your arms?

user5: you and y/n dating?

vin: no guys. were not dating, she just probably had the worst day ever and she just fell asleep in my arms. thats it. 

i end the live because i didnt feel like dealing with everyone bashing me over having y/n asleep in my arms. i slowly get up so y/n doesnt wake up but she does anyway. she tugs on my arm while im walking away.

you: where are you going?

vin: to go take my shower. 

you: can i come?

my eyes widen as im shocked those words came out her mouth.

vin: you need to rest babe. you can take a shower tomorrow. 

you: fine. 

i walk in the bathroom and take my shower. i brush my teeth, wash my face whatever. i come back outside to see y/n on the floor with a garbage can and shes throwing up. 

vin: y/n!

i run over and pick her up in my arms. i give her some water and i put her back down on the bed. i go over to jasmine to change her diaper and feed her before i go too bed. i lay back down next too y/n and she puts her head back on my chest. she goes to sleep right away. i kiss her on the forehead and i go to sleep too.

a/n: i was gon put some spicy shit in here but ill save that for later i guess. this is so short, sorry.

the baby project - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now