the big day (finale)

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*four years later.....*

*ur dress, or if you don't like it imagine whatever you like:)*

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*ur dress, or if you don't like it imagine whatever you like:)*

*whatever shoes*

*vinnies tux is whatever you want, same with hair*
*brides mate dress is also whatever you want.

"you ready y/n?" jack says tapping my shoulder. "yeah. kinda nervous." i say smiling at him. "let's do this. remember, don't be scared. you're marrying the man of your dreams." he says locking our arms together. i fix my dress and walk toward the door that leads to the beautiful garden where vinnies family, my mom, and jenna, and all of vinnie and i's friends are. "okay, on three." jack says. "okay." i say smiling. "one, two, three." he says and we both start walking through the door down the aisle. behind me, dezi and sierra are throwing flowers behind us. i look over at my mom and see her with a tissue in her hand and she's crying. i smile at her and look back at vinnie near the arch. he has one hand over his mouth and has tears in his eyes but he was smiling. i give him a shy smile and jack gives me a hug before letting me walk under the arch with vinnie. after jack sits down the minister clears his throat and starts reading from his notepad or whatever.

"let us pray." the minister says. everyone closes their eyes and puts their head down. "O' Almighty God you have created us all in the image of Love, the image of Yourself. Bless now these two who stand before you. Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them, that as they journey through this life together they will walk as bearers of your Truth. Amen." he says and everyone puts their heads back up. i put my flowers on the side table next to me and i see vinnie smiling at me wiping his tears. "please join hands." the minister says and vinnie and i hold our hands together. he has the biggest smile on his face and i can't help but smile back. "vincent, you may now say your vows." the minister says. jordan gives vinnie a long piece of paper and vinnie sniffles opening it. "y/n, you are my entire world. you made me the person i am today and i am forever thankful for that. your smile makes my day, your personality just makes me the happiest person ever, the way you put everyone first warms my heart and you stand your ground. i remember when we first said i love you to each other and i knew you would be the person i would marry one day and i looked forward to it every single day. the say you said yes to marrying me was the best day of my life over everything. your smile was the biggest I've ever seen it and i loved the sight of it. i promise to be with you throughout everything no matter what, i will love you no matter what and i will care for you no matter what. i never thought my roommate would end up being my soulmate. i promise and vow to be the best husband i could ever be." he folds up the paper and gives it back to Jordan. "y/n, you may say your vows." the minister says and liya hands me my piece of paper and i start reading off of it.

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