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( a lot of yall going to hate me for this part but i promise its going to work out)

*skip three days, vinnies pov*

i wake up and turn around to see y/n putting all her stuff in her suitcase. 

vin: woah. woah, babe? where are you going.

you: shit. 

she turns around and sighs.

you: vinnie im going back to connecticut. 

vin: what?! huh? i thought you were staying? 

you: vinnie... the promise and my mom needs me. 

i feel the tears coming and y/n finishes packing up. i quickly get up and rub my eyes.

you: liya and jordan are taking me too the airport. i think its best if you just stay here. i don't want you freaking out in the airport.

vin: okay, okay but am i going to see you again? ever? are you going to fly back down here to see me and everyone else? 

you: im going to come back every chance i get baby. 

vin: don't "baby" me right now! 

i start sobbing and she turns around.

you: what?

vin: your seriously leaving me?

you: vinnie! i have a life up there too. i have friends and family up there too. yes i got "famous" down here but this doesn't feel like home! 

i scoff and sit back down on my bed. i see tears in her eyes and she zips up her suitcase. she looks around making sure if she missed anything. the room looks dead without all her little decorations and pictures on the wall. everything looks empty and dry. she grabs her phone and walks too the door. i stand up and i just stare at her knowing that this might be the last time i ever see her. 

vin: im sorry. im so fucking sorry. 

she puts her suitcase down and runs in my arms. she holds me tight and starts crying in my shoulder. i hug her back and i start crying too. she pulls away from the hug and holds my face. 

you: i will see you again i promise. i love you so much and i will call you as much as a can. 

vin: okay. i love you too. 

she kisses me one last time and she grabs her phone and suitcase. she walks out the dorm and closes the door behind her. i sit on my bed and start sobbing.



*your pov*

jordan: were here! 

liya: okay!

i nod my head and get out the car. i get my suitcase from the trunk and walk in the airport with jordan and liya. thankfully the place where my plane is isn't far so we dont have to walk for long.

once we get there liya has tears in her eyes. i give her a big hug and she holds me tightly. 

you: dont cry!! ill be back soon i promise! 

liya: right, right. 

she pulls away from the hug and i go over to jordan and i hug him. i pull away from the hug and smile at the both of them. 

you: i promise i will fly back soon! ill keep up with you both.

jordan: promise?

you: promise. 

we all smile and they start walking back too the car waving at me. i wave back and sigh. i sit down and put in my airpods and go on tiktok. i go in my following and see vinnie made a dancing tiktok. i smile until i see his face. he barley smiled. his eyes are red and puffy. jesus i feel so bad. but i have something planned.

( ill say what that plan is later hehehehee)

i hear someone on the speaker and i grab my suitcase and look around one last time knowing that im not going to be coming back for a while. i decide to text vinnie just to let him know that im leaving now.

babe <3

hey baby. im going on the plane now! miss you 🥺🥺

miss you too baby. text me when you get off.

okay :)


 i smile and get on the plane and sit in my first class seat. once i got the money i had to get first class. it seems nice though...

a/n: wow you guys are so nice i wasnt expecting all the nice comments on the a/n. i really appreciate you guys <33 

help me im starving and theres no food in my damn house

the baby project - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now