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*six month time skip*

vin: y/n, come outside real quick. 

you: um okay?

i slowly step outside and i see all of my friends plus vinnies friends standing behind him smiling. i slowly walk over standing in front of vinnie.

you: what the hell is this?

vin: so y/n.... um...

you: vinnie just say it. 

vin: so, we have been dating for a year now and i know we have gone through hell together..

you: right...

vin: and i love you very very much and i think you know that by now? and i hope you love me back.

you: oh please vinnie you know i love you.

vin: and i don't think that i would be the same person without you. you make my life so much better and its kind of funny that you hated me at first but here we are now...

i smile and start playing with my fingers. what is he doing? all of our friends are here theres a camera man im just so confused. like VERY confused. hes all red and he keeps looking down. like im literally scared.

vin: and i dont know if this is a bit too soon but...

(im just playing i wouldnt do that to yall lmfaodkfslmnlfc)

he gets down on one knee and i immediately put my hand over my mouth and start tearing up. he pulls out a tiny box and opens it. i look in the box and i see the most beautiful ring i have ever looked at. 

vin: will you marry me y/n?

i feel tears falling down my face but ive never smiled so big.

you: yes! oh my god yes!! 

he puts the ring on my ring finger and gets up. he gives the box to jordan (h) and rubs the back of his neck. 

vin: do you like it?

i stare at it for a few seconds and i look back at vinnie smiling. 

you: i love it so much.

i jump in his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. he kisses me and i kiss him back. 

vin: guys im getting married to the love of my life! 

i start laughing and i hold him close. i kiss him on the cheek and i pull away letting all of his guy friends congratulate him. liya, dezi, addison, charli, dixie and jenna come running toward me giving me tons of hugs.

jenna: oh my god im so happy for you!

dezi: the ring is stunning!

addi: i call favorite brides mate!

charli: second!

dixie: im flower girl!

liya: if jordan doesn't get me a ring like this i swear to god-

we all laugh and i look at liyas stomach noticing how big shes got.

you: you never told us what gender!

liya: fine. ill tell yall now but dont tell jordan...

you: please tell us! 

addi: ouuu!

liya stays quiet for a little and smiles. 

liya: its a.. girl!

we all start screaming and i hug her tight.

liya: dont be too loud! or the boys are going to notice!

dixie: what did jordan say he wants?

liya: he said he wanted a girl so hes going to be so happy. but today is about y/n and not me....

we all look over and see vinnie coming over smiling. 

charli: y/n... watch out the pool! 

i quickly look at the pool and at vinnie.

you: vinnie dont you fucking da-

he runs toward me throwing me over his shoulder and then jumping in the pool putting me under water. i quickly swim back up immediately checking if my ring is still on my finger and thankfully it is. 

you: vinnie!! what the hell?!

vin: lets have some fun?! 

let me change into my swimsuit!! jesus!! 

i get out and run back in the house into my room trying to find a one-piece. i find one and quickly change into it. i walk out and see everyone else walking out of their rooms in their swimsuits. i jog back outside and see vinnie swimming around with the boys. i see all of the girls getting ready to jump in.

liya: ill just sit on the edge here.

you: you can get in!! you don't have to jump in.

liya: your right..

charli: boys watch out!! 

the rest of us jump in splashing all the boys. i feel someone picking me up from underwater and i know its vinnie.

you: not again vinnie!!

he laughs and puts his hands on my waist. 

vin: i cant believe your my fiancée. my god you're beautiful.

you: thank you baby. 

he pulls me close and passionately kisses me. 

a/n: ahhh.  im in class rn (in person) and its my birthday so thats amazing... imma end off this story soon this shit getting too damn long lol. 

bye thank you for 15k reads omgggg this is the best birthday present!!!! i love yall <3 

the baby project - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now