In A Nutshell

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It's been a year of tribulations,
a year of confusion and doubt,
2020 has been unpredictable,
thank goodness we're almost out.

There's been fires in Australia,
election outrage in the U.S,
terrifying thoughts of World War 3,
quite scary, I must confess.

"We'll never forget coronavirus,"
says anyone that you ask,
everbody, stuck at home,
and sick of wearing masks.

Hand sanitizer and lockdown,
staying safe comes with a cost,
there's even been panic buying of toilet paper,
and so many lives have been lost.

But there's also been hope and persistence,
we've now made it this far,
through the sadness there has been kindness,
hopefully that'll always last.

Everyone is wishing for some normality,
in 2021,
January 1 is back again,
new year?
Bring it on.


A/N: Hope you have a good new year! This poem is sort of a joke about all the things that didn't quite go to plan in 2020, please nobody take any offense or anything :)

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