Chapter 41

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I sat down in the middle of the training room. I close my eyes and clear my mind. I open my eyes appearing at the boundary. at this point, being able to come here has become second nature to me. libra was on the other side of the river as usual.

"libra can we work again on me trying to summon you?"

"sure. but just remember it zaps a lot out of you."

"yeah I know that. but the last time when I summoned you, even if it was for just a few seconds. I felt like I almost remembered what happened."

"that is true. but didn't you also want to observe how Ahsoka would do with your brother. if you try to summon me, you'll end up going overboard. even just trying to stay out of your body for too long."

"what if I tried to tap deeper. and tried to draw out a bit more power."

"no way I'm helping you with that. it's what got your memories and body messed up in the first place. the only reason I agreed to help you use that amount of power was because we all would have died. besides it wouldn't do much good to force it. until you can summon me at will longer then 30 minutes we can't go to the next part of your training."

"yeah I know."

"then why did you bother asking in the first place!"

"Honestly I was hoping your answer would change."

"you're kidding me! Are you asking for an early death, just because you're stronger then most beings in the galaxy doesn't mean you're invincible."

I sigh, knowing she's right.

"that aside shouldn't Ahsoka be arriving soon. I bet you'll want to see your brothers face when he reads your letter, don't you."

"I can't argue with that."

"so what did you write in the letter to Obi-Wan?"

"shouldn't you know. you are me."

"well that's a yes and no at the same time. it's kinda hard to explain."

libra said with a awkward laugh. I decided to let that comment go for now, but made a mental note to ask about it again some other time.

"if you must know. it's just a letter on how I'm doing with my training. and wishing him well. and to be safe."

"yeah that makes sense. did you tell him you're slowly piecing together your memories from the arena?"

"no. not yet. I want to remember it all before telling him."

libra nodded.

"fair enough. we should get started on seeing how this goes."

I close my eyes relaxing and let go from my body, following Ahsoka's force signature.


I appear in a transport shuttle. Ashoka sitting in one of the seats. the ship was entering the atmosphere of the planet that Obi-Wan and Anakin were satiationed. the ship slowly landed. Ahsoka got up heading to ramp of the ship, which was lowered. I followed her as she walked out. careful to not manifest myself. although I could still communicate and interact with things if I so choose. as she steps out I see Obi-Wan and Anakin there to meet her. although they had some interesting looks on their faces.

"a youngling?"

"And... who are you supposed to be?"

Anakin looked to be a bit irritated.

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