c31: Jealous Not Jealous

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Reminder: another long ass chap y'all


Encaging themselves inside the empty cabinet, you could only hear deep breaths from the two males when silence erupted between them. They heard those faint footsteps resonated down the hallway, leaving them alone to do their dare and they were being told to show them proof if they actually did it or not.

The atmosphere was not that uncomfortable but the little space and lack of cold air made them feel hot, with a thought of the whole purpose of the chosen dare on their heads.

" Luca--- "

" Haecha-- "

They couldn't help but chuckled in amusement when they called each other's name in unison.

" umh, you go first " the tanned male said with a cheeky smile on his face.

" nah, cutie first " Lucas drawled.

" okay, accepted " Haechan let out a small giggle before facing the older male.

" I-I only wanted to ask you if this setup is okay with you? I mean.... like umh yeah let's just talk " Haechan lowered his gaze on his lap, fumbling on the hem of his shirt.

" hey, it's okay.... I think this is perfect timing for us to talk properly like you know, alone " the red-haired male rubbed his nape timidly.

" nice, that's cool " raising his head back to front, Haechan broke a faint smile to his lips.

" anyway, you play hard earlier, Lucas.... congrats to you guys. I knew you would win the match " he added, making the latter chuckled at him.

" how can you be so sure about that? oh well, we won " the red-haired male then rest his back against the wall, not tearing his gaze away from the younger.

" it's because I am a cute fortuneteller " Haechan answered as if that's the obvious thing he ever said. He saw how Lucas shoot him his signature laugh like he heard something funny from him.

' I guess choosing dare is not a bad idea after all ' Haechan thought to himself.

" am I that funny to you? " the tanned male couldn't help but to laugh when he watched how Lucas looked so carefree when he laughs.

" coz' you are and also, cute " Lucas winked at him, making Haechan rolled his eyes dramatically.

" nothing new~ " and again, they broke with touches of laughter for a minute until they got tired and fell in comfortable silence.

They sat their side to side, hearing each other's heavy breaths being emitted between them.

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