c45: Black Roses

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Fluttering his eyes open, the tanned male stirred in his deep sleep when he felt a sudden warm splashed across his morning face. He admitted a low groan as he saw a ray of sunlight peeked through the window. Then, he sluggishly plopped his arms behind him, only to furrow his eyebrows when he didn't feel anything but a soft cloth bag.

Haechan then turned his body in the other direction and to his dismay, he was met with a pair of oversized shirts and shorts placed down beside him. Still his brows were knotted in confusion, he let his eyes wandered around the room and his realization suddenly came up to his head, making his eyes widened.

As if he was slowly brought to the conscious state, the tanned male looked down on his body and that's when his mind started to overwork at that early morning when vivid memories of him with Sungchan flashed across his eyes.

' we really did it ' Haechan thought to himself as his both cheeks flushed in a deep shade of red. He was too busy about thinking his not-so-rated moment with the younger male when a harsh gasp suddenly escaped from his swollen lips that resulted in him sitting on his butt, feeling his bareback... most specifically to his lower part hurt like hell.

" shit.... that kid really knocked me out to sleep " Haechan chuckled in the middle of his small whimpers and snatched the pair of clean articles that were all being prepared for him.

Despite having a hard time, Haechan still manage to walk over towards his vanity mirror, and the sight of him looking like he was being bitten too many times made him smiled so hugely. He then slowly traced his pair of lips which now looked more kissable and to those dark reddish bruises plastered on his neck down to his collarbones. He couldn't help but admired himself when his upper body was covered with love marks that Sungchan left on him.

Haechan bit his lower lip when thought of him and Sungchan took their time for themselves even they were only had a short time for them to sleep. They were too engrossed in each other, forgetting the time that was awaiting for both of them to stop from their no longer nocturnal activities.

" where is he? " Haechan mumbled under his warm breaths as he decided to take a quick shower before starting his day and to find his other half.


The moment he stepped out of his room, a pleasant smell that gurgled his empty stomach came to his nostrils. He followed that smell with a hint of excitement on his countenance which leads him to the kitchen, where he heard those faint incoherent voices and short thuds of seemed like something just fell on the floor and that's where he found him.

Sungchan was back facing him, not aware of his presence as he watched him there struggling with turner on his hand. With enough distance between them, he suddenly heard another voice erupted that was being noticed just now.... and his smile only widened when he confirmed Sungchan was watching a cooking show tutorial on his phone.

This adorable sight made Haechan go soft for him even more.

Heaving a deep sigh, the tanned male walked over to him and engulfed the younger male from the back.

" what the---- damn baby, don't scare me like that " he heard the latter scolded him using its soft tone and the older male just laughed at him in return. Then, he watched Sungchan faced him after turning the stove off for the meantime and gave him a short kiss that he immediately reciprocated.

" why did you leave your bed? you should stay there and take a rest " Sungchan then caressed his both cheeks so lightly.

" well, I woke up without you so I decided to check you up here and I thought right " Haechan replied as if that was the obvious thing he ever said that day.

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