c68: Halfway To Denouement

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TWO months ago after that unforgettable incident happened. Everything just went back into normal like a storm that caused huge havoc on them just left for another territory whose purpose was to destroy another life like those begging cries and loud prayers were a piece of good music to the earshot of that monster.

Time could heal all the pain away but for the tanned male, it felt like dreading decades as the trauma that caused to him left a deep cut to his heart. He was still in the process of moving on not only for the verbal abuse he encountered as he was advised to visit a doctor for daily check-ups, but also for the death of his chinese male friend. Those different kinds of abuses he experienced affected his overall health but losing someone he treasured the most gave him different levels of pain.

Those weeks became difficult for him to accept the fact that Yangyang already left him permanently, but after he had a short talk with Hendery before he flies back to Germany with his parents who arrived to get the cremation urn of their son, the heavy feeling that weight on his chest was slowly dissipating.

He would probably miss their crazy banters to each other, his scary tales, the way he annoyed him, their talks, his affections, their little marathon in the hallway.... the tanned male was afraid that one day, those precious moments will be faded until he couldn't remember them. He was praying every night that his younger friend was already in good hands, safe and sound. He wanted to make sure that he already found the true happiness and serenity he really deserves.

Despite what the chinese male had done to him, he learned about the importance of acceptance, and throughout those dark times, he learned how to forgive him. He just hopes that Yangyang knows about that.

Even though he wasn't there to make memories with him, he still went back to the place where he sometimes spent his time with him back then and wrote all the memories down to his personal diary that could also help him to heal the wounds and might as well, making him even stronger person than before.

And today is a big day for him, one of their dreams they shared together that was now commencing and he won't miss that chance as he will keep his promise to him. He might not see him through his naked eye but his connection to the chinese male was still strong which told him that Yangyang probably watching them from afar.

" please give him warm applause, Mr. Kim Jungwoo from BSEA! "

As if his senses were slowly coming back to welcome the reality, the repetitive sound of warm gratitude just came to his earshot. Everyone was now watching the said male, which his older friend who was taking his precious time went up to the staircase on his formal attire with black robe hugged his tall frame and mortarboard placed upon his head.

The most awaiting day of every student, their graduation day.

At that exact moment, everyone including him suddenly erupted with touches of laughter when Jungwoo really took his final stage for the last time. After he snatched his diploma from their director's hands, he walked forward not only to take his final bow but he did some silly poses like a professional model like he was bragging the diploma in his hand.

His laugh only doubled after witnessing the older male was about to face his bums to the large crowd but the higher councilor scolded him and pulled him out from the center of attention that made the atmosphere elated in cheerfulness.

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