c11: Leave

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Reminder: tissues will be needed for this chapter but it's okay if you have none. Just a friendly reminder 😣.


WHEN a familiar cafe came to his view, the tanned male momentarily closed his both eyes, sighing loudly at the thought of his first meet-up with the canadian male after that day they broke up.

His grip on his shoulder bag just got tightened when he caught a glimpse of a blonde-haired male sat at the outmost corner of the cafe. Taking a long breath, he opened the glass door and smiled immediately when the aroma of coffee invaded his entire system. Not wanting to get this too long, he calmly approached the canadian who just noticed his upcoming presence.

" umh, hi D-Donghyuck " Mark stuttered with a faint smile on his lips.

" hi, Mark " Haechan gulped thickly, not used to their sudden change of treatment to each other.

He kindly took a seat across the latter, offering a prompting smile to show him that he is ready enough to hear what he is going to say.

" umh Donghyuck " letting the canadian male reached for his hand, he stared down on their now intertwined fingers.... recalling those days when he freely do this with him.

" I'm listening " Haechan spoke out in a feeble manner.

" love.... I'm sorry. I really am " that's when the canadian male broke down in front of him, making his heart clenched painfully.

" I really love you. It's just---- "

" since when Mark? " Haechan interjected, gulping so thickly when he heard his own voice just wavered. Those emotions within him were trying to blind him with it.

The tanned male smiled so bitterly.

" I---I started seeing Mina since last year but she's just..... you're the only that I really love. I already cut my ties with her last night " Mark confessed and got panic when his ex-lover refused to meet his glassy eyes.

" what happened to us? " Haechan whispered but the canadian male still heard what he said.

" I'm sorry Donghyuck-ah--- " his words got cut off when Haechan retreated his hand from his and for some reason, the canadian male trembled when the latter stared at him nothing but grief and sadness.

He knew that he deserves to be loathed by the tanned male but when he saw the person he used to laugh with and taught him about love made him feel scared at the thought of losing Haechan in his life.

He just sat there helplessly, in front of the crying tanned male before him.

" I know love can be irrational " Haechan then raised his head to face the crying male.

" making people go insane and forget about what's right and wrong...... and I think.... that's the painful thing that happened to us... to me " the tanned male couldn't hold himself from crying.

" am I not good enough to you? " Haechan added, gnawing his bottom lip in desperation to falter his quivering voice.

" D-Donghyuck--- "

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