Chapter 2

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The second person to notice everything that Lisa wasn't saying is Jisoo.

Jisoo had slaved the night away trying to beat her high score in a game with too much blood and gore. She had refused to let the rare day off they had be wasted on anything that didn't involve her keyboard and mouse.

It had been a hard week for everyone. Lisa had been almost broody throughout the past few days, and for the life of her, Jisoo couldn't understand what was wrong. She was half tempted to just ask the blonde outright and the other half of her wanted to take the long way around and ask Jennie instead. She preferred the latter, but that proved to be difficult when Jennie decided to go out every morning only to come home before midnight. Jisoo wanted to ask what was up with that too, but she knew that Jennie would tell them when she was ready.

For now, the group's dynamic was off because their glue, their Lisa, smiled a little less brightly. Jisoo had been used to the blonde's special brand of care that when she noticed that their youngest spent more time in her room, she realized that she missed Lisa's loud laughter every time Jisoo would curse at her screen. She was subdued, and some part of Jisoo thought that she looked almost heartbroken. The day before, she thought she heard crying from Lisa's room, but she wasn't too sure because she had to rush out to meet their manager.

To be honest, Jisoo had almost forgotten about the entire thing, too focused on getting the most out of the day off. Almost.

The second day of their much-needed break began as normally as it possibly could with Jisoo sitting almost lifeless in front of the counter, chugging her coffee like she's just survived the Sahara. Lisa had given her a soft "good morning" as she joined her just before sunrise. Wordlessly, they moved around the kitchen, preparing whatever they could for breakfast, and Jisoo enjoyed this kind of peace and quiet.

"Chichu," Lisa calls for her for the first time that day.

Jisoo hums inquisitively.

"Do you think you could make pancakes topped with milk ice cream and syrup?"

"Jennie's favorite, you mean?"

If Jisoo had turned around from where she was busy cracking eggs into a bowl, she would have caught a blush creeping from Lisa's neck to her cheeks. As it is, she got her answer in the form of a meek "yes."

"Did you buy the ice cream? Chaeyoung finished the last batch, I think."

"I did," Lisa responds as she rummages through the fridge to bring out the ingredients.

They move fluidly around the kitchen, making an effort to keep the process as quiet as possible so as not to wake the girls. Jisoo cooks the bacon more for Chaeyoung's benefit than anyone else's and is thankful when Lisa only takes over mixing the batter without so much as a word about the meat now sizzling in a pan. Jisoo isn't so blind as to think that Lisa doesn't notice because, despite her goofiness, their youngest is nothing if not observant, always knowing when they needed something they couldn't give to themselves. But for the first time, Jisoo wonders if Lisa doesn't say anything about how she treats Chaeyoung because she understands more than she lets on.

She doesn't get enough time to think about it before Jennie shuffles out of her bedroom, fully dressed and ready for the day even though it wasn't even eight in the morning yet. The sight is nothing new, and Jisoo has given up asking where she goes, aware that the brunette will remain tight-lipped until she's ready. Lisa drops everything that she's doing, which was plating the pancakes and scooping out the ice cream from the tub, and moves toward Jennie.

From the corner of her eye, Jisoo absentmindedly watches Lisa open her arms in invitation. Jennie falls against her, accepting the hug just like she does every morning.

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