Chapter 4

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Jennie finds out in moments.

She takes Jisoo's riddle and mulls it over and over in her mind. It didn't make sense. What could have Lisa been trying to tell her for so long, years apparently, that she couldn't just say outright? Why would she have to look closer? Why couldn't she just ask Lisa and be done with it?

But every time she thinks she's going to bring it up, something always stops Jennie. She didn't know if it was hesitation or fear or anxiety. And that's perplexing in and of itself because what could Lisa be hiding that was so big that it would make Jennie afraid? Lisa wasn't one to hide either. She was always loud and honest and open. To think that the blonde could be telling her something without actually saying it feels almost unfathomable to her.

She knows that Jisoo was definitely in on what it was. She put Chaeyoung down as a maybe. Either way, it seemed that everyone around her knew except her, which makes this entire thing all the more frustrating.

A part of her wants to be mad at Lisa for making her worry about something that was potentially nothing. But the bigger part of her, the part that matters, wants to know because she's scared she'll lose Lisa if she lets her keep hiding, because it feels like something big, something she doesn't want to miss.

So, she takes Jisoo's advice to heart. And that's how she finds out.


Jennie watches as Lisa stumbles her way to the kitchen and sits down beside her. She didn't look any better than Chaeyoung, who was sat beside Jisoo. Lisa kept her eyes closed as she groped around for the cup of coffee, only opening them when her pinky hit the mug Jisoo had prepared for her. Wordlessly, Chaeyoung hands her an Advil that she gratefully accepts and downs with her coffee, which probably isn't the healthiest thing to do. It kind of makes Jennie want to coo at her.

"How are your heads?" Jisoo asks loudly, apparently not feeling merciful today.

Lisa and Chaeyoung groan as one, the former's head dropping heavily on Jennie's shoulder.

"Unnie," Chaeyoung says, her voice cracking in the middle. "Volume, please."

"Oh, is that a complaint I hear? I was told you weren't going to be complaining today," Jisoo quips to which Chaeyoung drops her head on the table in response. "Hopefully, that'll teach you both not to drink when you know we have a schedule the next day."

Jennie snickers as Chaeyoung lifts her hand up to sign an 'ok' before letting it drop down to her side and pressing her head against Jisoo's arm. Setting her mug down, Jennie gently lifts the shoulder Lisa's laying on in an attempt to get her attention.

"Jen," Lisa whines softly. "Don't move, it makes me dizzy."

She hums. "And whose fault is that?"

Lisa moves deeper into her before whispering, "mine."

Jennie's not really sure if she's talking about the drinking or something else. "I thought it was Chaeyoung's?"

"Hers too," the blonde agrees readily.

"I didn't hear you complaining after the second bottle, Lisa," Chaeyoung retorts from her place on Jisoo's shoulder, looking straight at Lisa.

There was a moment of silence that has Jennie lifting her gaze from her cup of coffee. She catches a split second of understanding between Lisa and Chaeyoung before they both blushed bright red. They sat up straight with Lisa hiding her face under her hood. Chaeyoung had nothing to use to achieve the same effect so she settled on focusing her eyes on her mug even as the blush crept to her ears.

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