Chapter 8

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"I kissed Lisa."

Jisoo chokes on her chicken.

Jennie doesn't pay her any mind, and Jisoo might literally die from having a piece of chicken meat lodged in the wrong hole.

As she makes a grab for the carton of milk she keeps in handy, she watches Jennie. It's not an easy task considering she's convinced she's about to see her colon come out of her mouth. She aggressively drains the carton before punching her chest and glaring at Jennie, who has taken to wrapping her arms around herself, bottom lip jutted out in a pout, and gaze far away.

Jisoo makes an effort not to slap her when Jennie finally snaps to attention and asks, "are you okay?"

She couldn't stop herself from glaring. "I mean, I could have died and you wouldn't notice, but yeah, I'm okay."

Jennie has the decency to look sheepish. "Sorry."

"Is this how it's going to be from now on? You're just gonna drop bombs on me and give me a heart attack and/or choke me to death?"

The pout becomes more prominent. "Unnie..."

Jisoo rolls her eyes as she pushes her chicken aside, deciding that this conversation is probably more important than her grumbling stomach.

"You were saying?" She prompts and watches as Jennie blushes.

"I kissed Lisa," she mumbles, more to the table than anything really.

"When did this happen?"

"Earlier today."

Jisoo rolls her eyes again because getting a story from Jennie when she's this shy is like pulling teeth.

"Jendeuk, just tell me."

She's relieved when Jennie actually complies after shyly giving her a hesitant smile. Jisoo expected the kiss to have happened impulsively or even recklessly. It's not because of who Jennie and Lisa are – it's just the Jisoo always knew that they were something more, something undeniable, something inevitable. She'd done her best not to pressure Jennie to see what she sees, content to let things play out the way they were meant to.

But then, Jennie tells her how everything happened, and all she could think was damn, Lalisa because Lisa's always been kind of a dork. Sure, she was sweet and caring but Jisoo didn't really expect her to tell Jennie everything that she's saying Lisa told her. It's kind of cheesy and very much heartfelt, and now that Jisoo's hearing about it, she thinks maybe she should stop underestimating Lisa's uncanny ability to wiggle her way into people's hearts.

When Jennie tells her that it was she kissed Lisa and not the other way around, Jisoo tries not to grumble because now she owes Chaeyoung a date. She was already planning on taking her out anyway, but that doesn't mean her pride doesn't take a hit.

"So, let me get this straight," Jisoo says as soon as Jennie's done telling her side of the story. "Lisa swept you off your feet, made you want to kiss her, and promised you she'd wait. And after that, all you said was we need to drop you off at the airport?"

Jennie cringes. "Yes," she mumbles.

"Okay," Jisoo tries not to palm her face, "how do you feel now?"

Jennie scratches feebly at the wood of the table that's the only thing that's stopping Jisoo from shaking whatever fear or hesitance is preventing Jennie from seeing what she sees.

"I miss her," Jennie says, tone sad and longing. "I know it's stupid because I saw her literally an hour ago, but yeah. Other than that, I'm... I don't know. Overwhelmed? Terrified? Happy? All of the above, I think. Lisa... she's, well, she's amazing, Chu."

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