6. Watch This Video

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You don't understand. I had to fill out an entire thing about my vacation rental an my investment property all the deeds go to them affective today. It's over. My car. The title as of 4:00 AM this morning is technically his or theirs. And they already filed it. I already am getting emails confirming the title transfer. It's in motion.

"But," he started.

What if I have a solution for you he asked.

"Any bet. You name it. I'm down," I said

"It's not that easy, puppy" he said. 

"I will only take half of this if you agreed to watch something with me," he proposed. 

"Watch something, like on TV?" I asked. 

"Or on your phone?" I filled the silence. 

"on your laptop?"

"What are we watching?" I asked. 

I had arrived at Anastasia's get together, and it was filled with familiar faces. 

I headed to the kitchen to take a shot and get some food. Anastasia's cooking was slayed out on pans and there was a perfect plate in the corner that she grabbed and let me know was prepared for me. 

With such high desire for this good food, I enjoyed every bite. 

It was mid-chew that I saw her eyes sparkle and cross eyes with Ras, Anastasia's uncle, who has arrived a few minutes prior. The devil crossed between her eyes and I took out my phone to get more information about my life. 

"There's this video," he said, "and it's really arousing, but forbidden.  You sense the energy that you lost.  Karma you're willing to test from the soul." 

"Are you talking about anime? I asked. 

He got annoyed and said "no, play the freedom video."

"Are you saying if I - with you  - watch this freedom video you're going to give me a benefit in the loss of the prize?

"OK you're gambling right now with my entire life so please stop with the jokes. What are you talking about? Is there a way for me to only have to pay half? Are you serious? or am I doomed? 

"You have 30 minutes. I'll send you the link. If you watch this video, 37 point 50,000 or getting taken out of your credit card instead of 75,000." 

I thought this must be a joke and my phone died. 

"You can own one of your rental properties back maybe move there 'cause I'm still taking your home. I do need a car, but I don't like yours, so you'll keep that one. So basically, I'm paying you with this link. If you watch it to only owe me half."

"I don't even know what type of link you're gonna send me. I don't need a virus, but besides that, I already saw the payment get taken out of my credit card for $75,000."

"Does it still say processing" he asked. 


"No, it is pending. Only 3537.500 will be the final charge. I will send you an email stating so." 

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