11. Collectively Wrong

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When Mima came up to me, I thought I done something wrong. She wasn't the type to really speak to me beyond the online chat and certainly not to come to my desk just to chitchat. We had worked on several accounts together in the past and had a fine relationship.

She knew we could get work done, and this time she was just wondering how I was.

"So busy lately."

"I know you are, " she said. She started to unwrinkled a tissue that she had in her hand, and then she would wrinkle it again, like a nervous habit, which was awfully fidgeting for someone with a typically a strong sense of composure.

When I couldn't breathe, I asked her, "what is that?"

She said, "oh it's just trash."

I coughed and struggled to breathe and she started smiling.

Next I asked her, pointing to my trashcan, "why don't you throw it out?"

She looked at me like deer in the headlights, and said, "no that's ok.

My eyes are watering I get up with urgency to go to the restroom.

"I'll be right back," I struggle to get out and leave her.

Their strategy was evasive.

I felt like I had dodged so many bullets, that it was inevitable that I would get hit.

Prolonged exposure to chemicals damages the brain and specific exposure to cleaners that destroy grease, leads to destruction of fatty cells in the brain, which cushion the brain inside the cranium and connect key parts of your brains connectivity receptors.

Here I was, with people that I thought were good souls, planning my decay.

Even though I had survived thus far, the immediate damage was becoming evident and I was slowly accepting that I was becoming dumber.

Their collective need to bring me down of the high level of IQ I had been gifted with, would, sure, lead to bad karma for them down the line, but also in them leveling the playing field, they were making me temporarily unable to make decisions, feeling foggy, feeling a desire to sleep randomly, and just in general being uncoordinated.


When I googled what is the body part that absorbs oil the fastest, the forehead was second on the list. First was elbows, but she did not reach those.

Focused on everything that was adding up, I remembered two sayings:

1.  It's the police's job to gather evidence; not yours; and

2.  Big claims require big evidence.

Since I wanted to be taken seriously, I started preparing an outline of what happened.

But I didn't have all the points yet.

Commenters on poisoning stories mentioned DIY poisoning chambers. Essentially a way to use the air's ventilation in a building's ceiling in order to begin an airflow that's blocked off by the current you create by making the ceiling the top point of a triangle of electricity-conducing metals. For example, two paper clips opposite of each other, with a paperclip directly above in the center, so as to create a full triangle.

That felt too dramatic, but I went to other videos and saw warnings about self toxicity with cleaners, the case of woman adding coolant to her peers at work in their daily coffee, a woman who put Windex in her husband's food to get his life insurance, and other stories that didn't quite hit the mark.

I had to get more convincing evidence.

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