16. NDA

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No, where is the option to check "no"?

The nurse chuckled, and looked down at my paper.

"Look at that. It cut off."

Her scrubs looked brand new and she just handed me a pen.

"I'm not signing this."

"It's in your best interest."


"and that, of the state."

Person 4 came in.

"Are you still conscious?"


"Good. You don't need to sign this, but things will go easier if you do."

"Do I need an attorney?"

"I'll let you know after you sign."

I've said too much.

Unable to make sense of reality, I called the emergency room.

"Do you need an ambulance?"

Not quite.

I was advised to drive or take an Uber, so I did, and when I arrived, I feared I was infected.

I entered the automatic doors in the lobby, and said, "I think I have the virus."

The nurse that was wearing a mask like mine, screamed from the front desk, "Go immediately outside. Somebody will meet you."

I reversed my steps. I had a growing migraine and the world seemed blurry.

I waited outside and decided I would help them by being by the side entrance.

Nobody came.

Nobody came for a while, so I went back and the lobby was now turned off. There was a night light by the front desk, but nobody could be seen.


Nobody answered.

I went back outside and started knocking on the back door.

Nobody answered.

I threw up.

Thinking I was spreading the virus with my puke, I called the place from my cell phone.

Nobody answered.

I called again.

An out of breath nurse answered "Please, I need you to please clean this outside. I think there is a biohazard with my spit outside. I threw up."

"Sir, have the doctors not met you?"

"Met me? No they haven't"

"Please continue to wait."

I hung up.

I heard a door further down open and I saw a young Doctor dressed like an astronaut was there.

He was waving me to come down that way and I pointed at my puke but walked toward him.

Entering, I was greeted by a second Doctor. He looked older and disgusted to be participating in this.

I think I have the virus.

They looked at me like an experiment.

"Please don't take off your mask, sir."

They led me to the room I had been here before. One evening my shoulder was killing me so much that it made me need to come down and get anti-inflammatories and pain medicine.

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