13. The Chamber

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It was around that time that I noticed the ceiling above me now had a binder clip hanging from the vent, and there was another binder clip diagonal from me, hanging above Elley's chair. What made me look was that I started to get a suffocating feeling, and I looked up and a piece of lint was making circles around the vent.

This reminded me of me having been almost raped and poisoned when I was 22 in New York City, and I knew that at the time, one of the drugs they used was angel dust. And PCP, which, to be honest, I don't know what it stands for but what I know is that it can be given to you in a spray or in lotion, dissolved in lotion, so that is enters through your body's pores, even just sprinkled on you, like residue of powder sugar from a powdered donut can delay you thinking and make you feel uncomfortable.

After college, when I was in New York, I was fascinated by the apps that allowed me to have sex with hot guys and I went a little too far. Partying in New York led to a lot of drunk nights that I had to end with a hot sex encounter, whether it be something fast with a hot guy on the DL or something long lasting like a party pig who would let me been twisted with them all night.

This particular night this guy invited somebody else, who was even hotter than he was, and we were going to have a threesome. To summarize that, I was out of it, and he and the person started whispering to themselves. Then they came back from the kitchen and they started touching me more. I still had my clothes on and they were taking their shirts of, and caressing me on my arms, as if we were just chatting and they were just caressing me. As they did that, I became more and more dizzy, and was almost just drooling and falling over on the mattress. But I still had strength and went with it. While I was down with my eyes closed, they started laughing. One said, "finally."

The other one shook me to see if I was OK. They took off my shirt and pants, and I decide it's time to go. I get up fast and put on my clothes and they, who ended up being half undressed, followed me to the door. They kept pleading hey don't go don't go but I was already out the door and heading to 24 hours drugstore. I knew that I felt awkward and not coherent, but I knew it was a substance, so I trusted myself to just go and get a drug test a home drug test and just test myself I went to the bathroom in the drug store and tested myself once I purchased the drug test an PCP was positive.

This time, I also went and bought a drug test, and I was not PCP positive, but it did have a new type of drug that I wasn't prescribed, that I was somehow ingesting: tricyclic anti-depressants.

I knew that wasn't something I was on, so I took another test, and I was, in fact, still positive.


I called my friend from another country and let him know that everything he told me was happening to him, was now happening to me! He laughed and agreed I needed more evidence.

Why didn't I just go to the hospital? Now I was making stupid mistakes.

I lend money to a friend, and she had paid me back so I had $120.00 in cash and I wanted to deposit it into my bank account and be able to play into the 9:00 AM round of lottery.

The app said that it could count as today's drawing if the payment was done by 7:00 AM.

I asked Siri to turn on the lights and rush to get ready as if it was time to go to work. It was only 4:57 AM.

I drank a Cup of coffee before going out and rushed to the gas station across the street. I got inside and there were a bunch of workers buying chicken wings and pizza as if it was lunchtime but from overhearing their conversation, I understood they were going to save it until lunchtime so they were essentially buying their lunch box.

After depositing the money, I drove back quickly and about 0.25 distance from my apartment, out of nowhere, I hit a curb on the right and I got another flat tire.

The hit wasn't too hard, but the dashboard was letting me know that the PS I for my tire was reducing pressure by one every 0.5 seconds. 37, 35, 32 31, 27, 19, 17 no...

Now I needed a new tire.

Now I needed a ride to work.

For some reason while contemplating who to call in my car I needed to pay and I saw that I had an empty Gatorade bottle so I did what anyone would do in my situation.

A man shoot. I use them hand sanitizer those in my car to "wash my hands" then I feared that it smelled as if I had been drinking.

Going down the spiral of psychosis I had a hypothetical conversation with a cop rationalizing the smell and explaining that it was just that I washed my hands and I won. I looked around and I realized that people were going to be waking up soon and I was among those that needed to go to work.

The tires on my car were not easy to find , as in same day service, so I had to call out of work.

This may have saved me though.

In my mind, I saw it as one less day of poisoning for me.

However, it was also one more day they could plot against me, now in person, secretly.

I remembered that my car came with bumper to bumper warranty for the next 35 thousand miles, so I logged on and bought my lottery ticket.

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