71: 💕Hit By A Car💕

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Not dating: He saves you from getting hit by a car 


*Grabbed you just in time , your body hitting his chest when he pulled you away .he looks down at you, worried* “Are you okay? Be careful when crossing the road .” *Smiles* “ See you again.”


*Yells and catches back of your shirt* “Watch out!” *sigh in relief when the car passes by* “Whew… j would ’ve hated to see you in bloody mess …” *look at you* “ and you’re so pretty too.”


*Grabs your wrist a little too strongly and stumble* “Woah… that car almost hit you !” *fix your bangs* “ Why is a beautiful person like you alone?”


*Grabs your shoulder and pulls you back . He looks car that passes by* “Drivers these days are so reckless ..” *smiles at you* “I’m glad you’re okay. Take care and watch out for cars.”


Publish: 31 December 2020

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