39: 🎶 You're The One🎶

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When he realizes that you're the one for him


"(Y/N),I think it's about time we get married.There's no one else like you,you complete my world. I love how you can stand me 24/7 no matter what mood I'm in and I am willing to spend my whole entire life with you."


"(Y/N),I've realized that no one has ever been there for me the way you're had.You come to the shows,you give me support. I want you be my wife and I'll be your husband,yeah?"


*sigh* "This is from the bottom of my heart." *he starts* "You're the one fo me,you really are.You never left my side since the beginning.You know exactly how to make me smile."


*touches your hair* "You're really something." *he pauses* "Whatever my mood is,I can always come to you and you just turn it around without trying. I love you."


Published: 20 Jan 2020

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