28: 💘First Night💘

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Your first night together


You are in his room watching TV with him on his bed. He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you on your neck down to your shoulder. “You’re so beautiful,” he says in a husky voice. You turn, looking at him wondering where this compliment is coming from. But before you could speak his lips meet yours. “Do you wanna try?” You think for a second looking into his deep eyes, before nodding a quik yes. Then you guys continue from where you left off.


You and him are laying on the couch together, your limbs tangled together. You guys are talking about stories from your past. You brought up how your ex-boyfriend broke up with you because you weren’t ready. “I would never do that to you,” he says, smiling sincerely. You smile and nod, “I know, but…but I think…I’m ready now…if you are…” He blushes and smiles. “You sure? We could always wait till next time.” You nod your head and blush a little. He kisses you softly, and then it slowly gets more passionate.


You guys are sitting on the couch watching TV, his arm is draped around your shoulders and your head is rested on his shoulder. “You know I love you right?” he asks. You look up at him and smile. “And I love you,” you reply. His arm drops from your shoulders and wraps around your waist to pull you closer. He leans in a softly plants a kiss on your mouth. “You know, you can trust me right?” You nod your head realizing what he means. You guys kiss again, not stopping this time.


You guys just got back to his house after your dinner date, and are standing in the entry way awkwardly. “Ah~ well, I better get home, thank you Goro,” you smile and turn away, but he stops you and twirls you around. “How bout…you stay here with Detective Prince tonight,” he whispers in your ear. You blush, and slowly nod and ‘okay’. He bends down and takes off your shoes, and pulls you close. He kisses your forehead, nose, cheeks, and then mouth, deepening the kiss. He pulls away but keeps his face close, “You’re about to have the night of your life.” He winks and then kisses you again leading you to the bedroom.


Published : 4 Sep 2019

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