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    Kagami waited outside the delivery room, the pained screams of his lover died down about an hour ago. But the silence unnerved the male more than the painful screams. He could feel his limbs shaking, hearing his racing heart in his ears. He was dying to know if his lover was alright, if his children were alright. He looked up when he heard the door open, he didn’t care if he looked like a mess, he just wanted to see his lover and be there for when his children were being born.

“Mr. Kagami?”


“Mr. Kuroko is ready to see you.” The young nurse stepped out of the room, allowing the tall male to enter.

    He saw his lover on the bed, his breathing slightly laboured but he didn’t seem to be in too much pain. The maroon-haired male approached the bed, taking one of his lover’s hands into his own. This action causing the smaller to wake up and look at the taller with tired eyes.

“Hey.” He sounded just as tired as his expression.

“Hey, how you holding up baby?” The taller spoke softly, brushing some blue strands of hair from the small male’s forehead so he could kiss the area.

“In pain, but the doctor drugged me up so I’m fantastic.” Kuroko mumbled, sarcastically.

“My poor shadow. But just a few hours and we can hold our little stars.” The tall male leaned down and pressed a kiss to the smaller’s lips and pressed another to the swollen abdomen.

“I hope these few hours pass quickly if that’s our goal then.” The smaller gave a small smile to the grinning male by his stomach.

“I hope so too, daddy can’t wait to see his little cubs.” Kagami cooed, earning a kick in response.

    Kuroko suddenly groaned and whimpered, placing his hand over his stomach. Kagami became worried but he also felt bad for the smaller, he could only imagine how painful the contractions must be at this point in time. The male finally relaxed as the contraction settled, he was miserable to be honest, but he wanted to see through the pain until the end. Besides he couldn’t turn back now, he didn’t have a choice. The doctor and him talked about the option of a C-Section and he was against the idea. He wanted a natural birth and he was standing by his choice, no matter how painful it was going to be.

“Even if I’d like to kick myself in the ass during this birth. But even now I feel like I’m going to regret my words.” Kuroko thought to himself as he felt another contraction.

“How badly does it hurt?” Kagami asked, feeling the smaller’s hand squeezing his own.

“God, how do I even explain it? I guess it’s like a broken bone but the pain is six-fold. It’s a bitch though, that’s easy to explain.”

    The taller chuckled and kissed the back of the smaller’s hand, he wanted to comfort his beloved however way he could, if his humor helped then by all means, if it meant him being cursed out by the smaller then by all means. He was going to be there for his shadow, thick and thin.

(Hey guys I just wanted to write a short chapter today since I got snowed in my house :/ so I will finish this at some point but I got school in the morning at least, snowed in or not so I just wanted to make a small fluff while the poor shadow is going through labor.... but for his kiddies he will find it all worth while I bet x3)

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