Month 8

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    Kuroko slowly opened his eyes, feeling the bed was empty. He turned over and didn’t see Kagami nuzzled into his back like he always would be.

“That’s right, it’s a school day.” The bluenette rolled out of bed and waddled off to the kitchen, a hand over his heavily swollen stomach.

“I wonder what Kagami-kun made us today?” He cooed, when he was alone he would often talk or coo to his stomach.

    The male opened the fridge to find a container of sliced, cooked pineapples, some leftover curry and Kagami’s house key. Kuroko sighed, Kagami started leaving his key in the fridge by his energy drinks so he would stop forgetting it.

“Daddy must have been in a rush.” He felt a kick as a response, smiling as he placed the key on the countertop by the door for when the idiot came home.

    The small male returned to the fridge and just decided to snack on the pineapples. He popped the lid off slightly so there was a sort of ventilation and placed the container in the microwave, warming up the cold treat. He looked down and saw Nigou wagging his tail, happy to see his owner up.

“Good morning, Nigou. Kagami-kun feed you yet?” He wanted so desperately to lean down and pick up his beloved pup, but his stomach would not allow such a thing to happen.

    Last time he tried, he ended up falling on his side and shoulder. Thankfully neither him or the twins were hurt but the small male did have a large bruise on his shoulder for a few weeks. Nigou barked in response to his owner’s question, earning a smile from said male.

“That’s good.” He turned his attention to the microwave as it beeped at him, letting him know the meal was warmed up.

    Kuroko pulled out the treat and closed the door of the microwave, taking a seat at the table and digging in right away. Nigou jumped up into the chair beside his owner, after the fall Nigou caught on quickly that the bluenette couldn’t bend over. So he, being the clever canine he was, decided to put some effort into relieving him of that duty. Kuroko smiled and pet the pup on the head.

“I bet you can’t wait for the kids to be born. More people to play with.” Nigou wagged his tail in response and barked again, reaching a paw out for the swollen abdomen but not quite reaching it.

    This action earned a wide smile from the male, it was so cute he could barely stand it! He scooted his seat closer to the pup so the paw could touch the side of his stomach. The action earning another kick from the twins.

“They say ‘hello Nigou.’” He chuckled as Nigou barked in excitement.

    He soon returned to his food, wanting to eat and get washed quickly so he could lay on the couch while he waited for Kagami to return home. Once finished eating he waddled off the bathroom, starting the shower since he didn’t want to risk not being able to get out of the bathtub or slipping since he was so close to his due date. He might end up hurting himself or the twins.

    The warm water ran down his body, earning a sigh of relaxation from the small male. Shower time was his favorite during the hectic months of carrying the two bundles. The warm water that relaxed the tense muscles, the steam that helped with the constant pounding headaches, all of it was like sweet euphoria for him. He stepped out and dried off, dressing soon after.

    Kagami was sitting in school, barely paying attention to the teacher as he stared out the window. His mind was somewhere else, his thoughts were about his beloved shadow. Was everything alright? Was he resting like he should be? Did he maybe get hurt? No, he couldn’t afford to think such things. The smaller promised to message the taller should anything happen. And Nigou would bark like nuts if the small male had fallen and wasn’t getting up. The neighbors catching onto this alarm quickly when Kuroko would pass out when Kagami wasn’t home in the earlier months. But he couldn’t help but worry, this was his shadow and his beloved children. How could he not worry? But for now all he could do was sit in school and wait to finally leave so he could see his lover.

    Kuroko was sitting on the couch, lounging in a pair of Kagami’s sweat pants and his maternity shirt. He was boredly watching the television, waiting for his light to come home. The twins were kicking and moving quite a bit so he refrained from moving as much as possible.

“You two are restless today. Contractions don’t really help I bet, must be tight on space in there.” Kuroko ran his hand over his stomach where the twins were kicking and fussing.

    Lately his contractions started, it was a matter of time before it was time for him to get to a hospital but he wanted to relax for as long as possible before he had to be tortured with the pain of birth. He was excited to be so close to having the twins, all that hard work of managing what he ate, the exercise, the unpredictable mood swings and feelings, it was all going to be over soon. But he was also scared, his life was going to change in a matter of a few hours of labor.

    His train of thought was cut off with another contraction, taking a deep breath and doing his best to relax. They were getting closer, how long were they part he had no idea. He didn’t bother timing since he deemed it as unimportant, he wanted to go to the hospital when his water broke and that is exactly what he was going to do! He turned his attention to the door, hearing it opening to reveal the tall maroon-haired male that he loved.

“Welcome home Kagami-kun.” Kuroko greeted with a smile.

“Hey, how’s mommy and the cubs?” The taller teased, walking over to the couch and kissing his lover, placing his large hand over the smaller’s stomach.

“The ‘cubs’ are making a fuss and have been for the past hour, so ‘mommy’ is really uncomfortable.”

“Awe, well they are excited to see mommy and daddy that’s all.” The taller purred as he felt said ‘fussing’ under his hand.

    The smaller smiled and felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, hissing in pain. This didn’t go unnoticed by the taller.

“You alright Kuroko?”

“Yeah I-” He cut himself off, feeling a foreign wetness in his pants, panic taking over him instantly.

“Kuroko?” Kagami noticed the look of panic on the smallers face.

“Kagami my water broke!”

    Panic spread to the taller as he heard those words, he dropped his school bag and ran for the bedroom to grab the hospital bag.

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