Month 7

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    Kuroko and Kagami were seated on the couch, the bluenette reading a book and the maroon-haired male watching the television. School was finished for the day and both had finished homework rather quickly so they were relaxing while they could. Kuroko felt a kick and he bookmarked where he was, setting the book beside him on the couch and placed his hands over where the twins were kicking. Kagami took noticed and smiled slightly, scooting closer to his lover and placing his own large hand over the heavily swollen stomach, soon leaning down and kissing it.

“Hey you two, you gotta stop giving mommy a hard time cause then he’ll get grumpy at daddy.” The taller cooed at his unborn children.

“Don’t teach them to call me mommy Kagami-kun. And stop encouraging them to kick-”

“Because it hurts, I know but I can’t help it.” The taller came back up to press a kiss to the bluenette’s lips.

“I love you Taiga.”

“I love you too Tetsuya.”

    Kuroko suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen, it didn’t feel like a kick, nor did he recognize this pain. It began to grow in intensity and he had his suspicion as to what was happening. Kagami noticed the pained look on his lover’s face and grew concerned.

“Kuroko? Are you alright?”

“K-Kagami I think it’s time.” Kuroko cried out in pain and doubled over, taking deep breaths to try and keep calm, but on the inside he was panicking.

“What?! Ok, ok, uhm I’ll get what we need-”

“Kagami there isn’t time we need to go now!” Kuroko shouted at his lover.

    Now Kagami was in an absolute panic, he helped his lover off the couch and ran to a neighbor in hopes of them getting a ride to the hospital.

    The maroon-haired male was seated on the bench outside, awaiting for the nurse to allow him into the room. It had been so silent and it unnerved him, was everything alright? Were there complications? Was his shadow alright? What about the twins? These questions bounced around in his head for about another hour before the door opened.

“Kagami Taiga?” The nurse called out.

“Yes? Is everything alright?” The taller asked, the nurse gave a kind smile and stepped aside to let him in.

“Yes, everything is fine. The doctor said it was a false alarm.”

    Kagami let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding and entered the room, seeing Kuroko laying on the bed and talking to the doctor.

“Mr. Kagami, I was just telling Kuroko what happened.” The doctor smiled slightly at the maroon-haired male.

“So what happened?” Kagami stood beside Kuroko’s bed and held his hand.

“Well to keep in short, it was a false alarm. Everything is perfectly fine, the twins are healthy, Mr. Kuroko is healthy and I gave him some pain killers. But what I do recommend is he refrains from moving around too much until it really is time for delivery.”

“So you’re putting me on bed rest?” Kuroko asked, he was clearly exhausted.

“Essentially, yes.” The doctor talked to the couple for a little longer before he gave the duo permission to leave.

    The duo returned to the small apartment, Kuroko making his way to the bedroom to change for bed and Kagami the same after locking the door behind him. Nigou barked and wagged his tail as a usual ‘welcome home’ to the duo.

“Hey Nigou.” Kagami greeted and filled the food bowl for the pup since Kuroko wasn’t able to bend over without falling over.

    Kagami walked into the bedroom just as Kuroko pulled the covers over his enlarged stomach. The taller sat on the bed and rubbed the smaller’s stomach, feeling a kick in response to the action.

“I guess we pack a hospital bag tomorrow.” Kuroko uttered.

“Yeah, we’ll pack one tomorrow and you can relax for the day, I’ll take care of Nigou for you. as well.”

“You sure?” The smaller placed his hand over the taller’s that was on his stomach.

“Yes I’m sure. You heard the doctor, you need to stay in bed and relax until it’s actually time for them to arrive, I can handle Nigou so just relax. Alright?” The taller leaned over and pressed his lips to the smaller’s.


“Now sleep, you look like shit.” Kuroko smiled at his light and laid his head on the pillow, falling asleep a short time later.

(Well guys it's been fun writing this but I'm afraid we are nearing the end of this story. I might try and make two more chapters but we will see, thank you guys for reading :3)

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