Month 4

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    Kuroko was out on a walk with Kagami, occasionally they had to stop because the smaller would be out of breath easily, it was concerning for the taller when he started noticing it happening but it calmed his nerves upon more research to find this was also normal, along with the increased sex drive his lover was also experiencing. The mood swings had also settled mostly so it was a relief to see his shadow not angry at him all the time or crying about him being a “total jerk and has no right to love someone like him.” Kuroko also mentioned how he felt peaceful now that the craziness of his first trimester had finally come and gone, he was smiling here and there and more affectionate to the maroon-haired male.

    What caught the taller male’s attention was that the smaller’s stomach was swelling up so fast, even his maternity wear was starting to hug his stomach tightly.

“Hey, Kuroko?”

“Hm?” The blue-haired male looked at him from being seated on the bench, a hand placed protectively on his stomach.

“Why don’t we set up an appointment, so we can see the baby?” This caused a small blush to coat the male’s cheeks.

“Sure, Kise-kun has been bothering me about seeing the baby’s ultrasound soon anyway.” The shorter reached out his hands, the taller taking them and pulling him up.

    This also became a habit pretty quickly, as Kuroko grew larger his ability to get up without trouble declined rather quickly. He initially insisted that he didn’t need help but when he tried to get up when Kagami wasn’t home, he soon realized that he did need the help after all while sitting for over two hours waiting for Kagami to come home.

“I will call the doctor when we get home then.” The light placed a hand over the swollen stomach, earning a pout and blush from the shadow.

“Kagami-kun not in public.” Kagami just smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips to Kuroko’s.

“I thought you liked the attention?” He teased.

“From you, yes, but when you do it in public it’s unnerving.”

    The taller chuckled lightly and began walking home, holding his partner’s hand.

The weeks passed and the duo were sitting in the waiting room, awaiting for Kuroko’s name to be called so they could finally see the baby that Kuroko would bring into the world in a matter of five months. While they waited they were looking at a parental magazine they found, surprisingly Kagami was the one studying and taking in information rather than Kuroko since he was the one bearing said bundle.

“Think you would even like yoga?” He found an article about yoga being a perfect exercise for pregnant parents.

“I’m not doing yoga Kagami-kun, you can forget it I can barely move as is.” Kuroko was obviously against the idea.

“But come on don’t you want our baby to come out healthy?”

“I do but stretching out my joints isn’t going to do anything for the baby, I will stick with walking and jogging with you and the team.” Kuroko left it at that and Kagami didn’t press any further.

“Kuroko Tetsuya?” The nurse called, Kagami helped his lover up and they left with the nurse to the appointed room to await the doctor.

    Once the doctor walked in they went through the routine, lift up the shirt and apply the cold gel that made Kuroko flinch, and the uncomfortable amount of pressure that was applied by the device being pressed to his stomach. He wanted to shift his position so he could be comfortable but when he did he just earned a glare from the doctor and remained still. Both parents watched the monitor with curiosity, hearing a droning sound.

“That sound is the heartbeats.” The doctor explained.

“Beats? As is plural?” Kuroko asked looking from Kagami to the doctor.

“That is right, congratulations you’re having twins Mr. Kuroko!” The doctor smiled as she panned over to the babies and pointing out the features.

    This left both of them shocked, neither expected twins but it also made sense with how quickly Kuroko was growing. But they were happy that they could be having twins together, Kagami asked for pictures just before they left.

    Both had trouble sleeping that night, the news was shocking but both were so happy about the whole ordeal. Kagami turned over to face his lover and began to shower him in kisses.

“Kagami-kun are you alright?” The action left a light blush on his face.

“I’m just really happy. That so wrong?” Kuroko just nuzzled his face into the taller’s chest, keeping a hand on his stomach as the beating of the taller’s heart lulled him to sleep at last with Kagami following not too far behind.

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